
Robbery - odd circomstances?

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last night while my brother was asleep and my parents were on a trip i was up past my bed time and some man banged on our door and we have a family of skunks that roam around our house and two of them were walking around and when the house alarm went off it scared them and one skunk sprayed the man trying to break into our house. my older brother grabbed his bb gun and shot the guy when he smashed in our window and was about to come in and when he fell backwards because of his leg was shot he was trying to get up when another skunk got on his front legs and let it rip at the robbers face. he was cussing at my brother and by the time the cops drive up he was gone. he said he was going to sue us for the injry and also for the skunks spraying. can he sue us for what happened?




  1. Anyone can sue anyone for any reason...doesn't mean they will win.

    If he was there to burglarize (nor rob) your house then most states will not allow him to have any legal recourse. It would also be highly unlikely for him to initiate any legal proceedings, as it would result in his immediate arrets on felony charges.

    As for the skunks, they are wild animals no-one will be held liable for their actions.

  2. no you cant sue for skunks and you were defending yourself, you believed yall were in danger so you shot him to slow him down not to kill him, and he was trying to robb you, **** him and the horse he rode in on

    if you see him again kick his *** and then let him sue for asault haha

  3.     Of course he can sue you.  But I seriously doubt that he would win.  If anthing, he'll get arrested for attempted robbery and destruction of personal property, so I doubt that he will be back.

  4. Sure, he can sue... right after he gets out of prison in about 10 to 15 years if the Police get hold of him. I'd put out some cat food for those skunks if I were you, they were a great help.

  5. What a story I love it.

    But seriously this is the Good old U.S.A. and any one can sue anyone else whether its legit or not.  Make sure you get pictures of the damage.  The Cops will be looking for the guy that smells like skunk and if he goes to the hospital he will be caught.  Even a bb is a gundshot wound which they are required to report.

    If the guy continues his lawsuit he'd going to look pretty silly and even if he gets the first judgement the appeal will go to you.  To bad your brother didn't have a bigger gun the guy would have still been dragging himself out of the broken window.

  6. If he was not there when the police showed up, I wouldn't worry about it too much.  What do you think he is going to do?  I'm pretty sure that he is not going to go to the police station and say "Hey, you know that house that was broken into last night?  Yeah that was me and I want to file a complaint on the home owner.  They didn't give me a fair chance to steal all of their belongings."  Seriously, I think you'll be OK on this one.

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