
Robin Platini and Batman Bladder: The Tale of 3 billion lab rats

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Robin Platini and Batman Bladder: The Tale of 3 billion lab rats
Human race steadily progresses towards finding life on Mars and exploring one of the sixty three moons that Jupiter has. If that wasn’t impressive enough, mankind is also taking steps to establish space tourism; maybe in the near future they might have a space vessel which takes people for cosmic trips to places such as the earth’s very own moon. Such advances have become possible because man as a race has not shied away from change.
Of course, there is always a minority which resists changes but majority and common sense usually prevails, after all that is why humans dominate planet Earth. It hasn’t been easy; this journey towards such heights of intelligence, there was a time when man had to strike to rocks together to create fire. Now there are sulphur coated matches to do that job.
There was a time when man drew on walls in attempts to elaborate on his thoughts in a much more material way, now there are artists that are seen as priceless and invaluable to human history. Men like Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo have graced this beautiful planet but then there are men like Michel Platini that have left the world awe. Platini is not a criminal; he is not a bad person as per character but the sheer stupidity of his ways has confirmed him as an unintelligible figure to say the least. Some might be wondering who actually is Platini, well Michel Platini aka Robin to the Batman figure that is Sepp Bladder is one of the most important people on planet Earth when it comes to entertainment and sports.
Planet Earth has this little old sport called football. Around three billion odd people watch the sport and out of them just a billion or so are ready to kill or be killed for it. It’s not that serious really, all in good fun. After all how can a sport be taken so seriously? Michel Platini seems to agree with this view; in fact he agrees with it in such entirety that he has decided to experiment with the three billion people that watch football by tinkering with the sport itself.
A lot has been going on, in this green planet recently. Some people in the northern hemisphere got angry that their team lost in the World Cup because their goal was disallowed. They gathered some of their friends and started pressurizing Batman and Robin into changing the way football works. This team of angry northerners has taken offense to the fact that there is so much injustice in football.
Northerners think that the sport can be made better for everyone if Platini and Bladder (Blatter) add some technology to it. Cameras they say can bring about a change, television replays as well. Bladder was so full of himself that he almost erupted upon hearing his news. Platini on the other hand tried to calm his partner down but he saw it best to back away considering a hostile response from the Bladder. Platini has suggested that camera’s will destroy the game and that men should be appointed to do their job instead of using technology.
In a report which was published universally, Platini addressed the northerners (Europeans) as he stated that Cameras can see everything, this is why they should be used. He boldly acclaimed that it is unfair to man that the Camera can see everything; a man has only two eyes. Taking into account the northerners and their demands for cameras, Robin with consent from Bladder suggested that more men should be placed on a football field to solve the problem. Every man has two eyes, therefore if six men are placed on the field, they will have a total of twelve yes. Thus the problem will be solved and every disputed goal problem will be dealt with effectively.
Northerners are in reality baffled by this recommendation; they cannot work out the logic in this statement. Why not use the camera? Why not use technology instead of men? Platini remains adamant that his logic is flawless. None can’t help but wonder why.


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