
Robin in Batman 3?

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Hey, I just want to know what people think about this idea. On the third Batman movie. Should Robin make an entrance or what? Honestly I think that they should, not like the George Clooney one though. I mean that was just dumb kinda. Also, what villian? I mean Boy George as the Calender Man? That would be a good match, if he is a good actor though. Professor Hugo Strange, Patrick Stewart, they are a pretty close match. Plus it would be awesome to see Batman fight giants, haha. The Mad Hatter, I dont know who can play him, maybe Verne Troyer. It would kinda be good, funny too. Killer Croc, by Tai Jai White. To scare the heck out of people. Plus he played in The Dark Knight too. Haha. So he'll get two times in the Batman movies. Deadshot, Clive Owen, it would be pretty cool. No, not because he was in Shoot'em Up. But because he has a good story behind him. He finds his daughters being submited to the wrong group of people and then Deadshot (Clive Owen maybe) goes and starts stuff with the gangs and what not. Becasue he wanted to be in control of Gotham City, and Batman put him away and then after prison. He became an assassin. Cluemaster, Ed Harris, its a change for Ed, but he can pull it off I think. Get a little mystery on here, see Batman on the run from getting exposed and what not. Just think about it, email me if you have some good ideas too.




  1. Didn't they say that if they were going to make a third movie, they wouldn't have robin? That's what i heard.

    The Batman And Robin movie sucked majorly, so I don't know if they wanna try that again. Not George Clooney! Omg, I wanted to cry when I saw that movie! He did an aweful job! (But again, that's just me thinking)

    But, Robin is an awesome character! I'm sure that they would do a good job if they had him come in.

    I think that they shouldn't have the Joker in the third one (if there will be a third one) because no one could possibly take the place of Heath Ledger!

    There are a ton of villains that are available! I'm not sure which one I would love to see the most! Riddler would be pretty good, I think.

    Idk! I really hope that there will be another though!

  2. It is hard to give you an answer not because you didn't ask a question, but because you asked so many. Personally, I doubt that Robin will show up in the third, and probably last part of the current Batman series. As for trying to play the casting game, I hate it and I'm not going to play. The odds of my picking an actor to play a specific canonic villain who will wind up being cast as that villain are slim to none, and I would prefer to see an original non-canonic menace featured in the final film than seeing another canonic character distorted by director Logan to fit his particular re-invention of the Batman mythos. Unlike most, I did not like "Batman Begins" and I've avoided seeing "The Dark Knight." Chances are I will avoid the final chapter as well.

  3. 2 face was died in TDK which was unfortunate because they could have played on him for a bit longer in the 3rd batman film. you know like when batman flew into 2 face and knocked him on the ground outside, they could have looked down after batman fell and 2 face was missing. apparently the joker was supposed to be back since we didnt see the joker get killed. But i think that Robin should not be in the batman films, it takes all the mystery out of the batman symbol, because theres some kid running around after batman in awful coloured clothes, robin has never really looked the part stood next to batman. But me n my bf were talking about who they could choose, it would need to be someone close to bruce and sum1 i could trust and who always believed in him, like the commisioner's (gordon's) son! the blonde kid, he would need to grow up a good 10 years and dye his hair to be like the other robins but at the moment, he is the only person who is already in the film that i think could be robin. but still as i have said and so have many others, keep robin out of the batman films, if batman has to shove a baby seat into his batmobile-thing for the arrival of robin i will walk out of the cinema!

  4. Noooooooo way Robin sucks. His whole purpose never really made since to me and its a terrible pairing. You have the Dark Knight, who wears all black and patrols the night skies, then there is a goofball wearing red, green and yellow. Never made since.

    What I think they should have done is had Tim Drake become and apprentice to Batman, then Joker starts murdering people throughout Gotham. When Batman sets out to stop him, Drake demands Batman let him go as well. When Batman refuses to do so because of the risk, Drake feels excluded, so he sets out on his own, turns into Nightwing, and him and Batman become rivals.

    Or what really would be cool is if he showed up in the middle of Batman and Joker fighting and Batman says "I told you not to help me here!!!" And then Drake says, "I'm not." Then he assaults Batman, and over time starts wearing a colorful outfit and becomes Joker's new apprentice along with Harley Quinn. He calls himself Jester. Now that would be awesome.

  5. Here's my pitch:

    After all the mob bosses were put behind bars, all the goons needed direction so the turn to Scarface and the Penguin. Scarface hides in the shadows, Penguin wants to be like the Kennedys (they started off as bootleggers then politicians). Turf war begins and Batman has to keep the cleans safe from the gang wars. Catwoman is forced to don thw suit in order to keep her side of town safe from the pimps, drug dealers, gangs, etc. She's not entirely good though as she also wants to "enrich" her life as well by stealing from the rich as she sees them power corrupted as well and beats up on all cops good or bad since they all look like dirty cops to her. Hugo Strange can find out from that guy in The Dark Knight who is the Batman and he'll use that to his advantage to try and defeat the Dark Knight.

  6. It seems to me your going on a speculatory rant.  No, Nolan has said that if he ever does Batman 3, he will NOT being including Robin unless the studio forces him too.  He says that Robin will be reserved for later movies, if he's in at all.

    And when Robin does come in, I really hope they have a girl playing it like in The Dark Knight Returns.

  7. i read online that johnny depp is being considered for the role of the riddler ( though i think he would be the only person who cold fill heath ledger's shoes if they wanted to rbing back the joker). Aaron eckhart is returning as two face. angelina jolie MIGHT be playing catwoman. i think this will be plenty of villains for one movie. but i dont know about introducing robin. the times they have tried it turned out pretty terrible so i am not sure if i even want them to try.  
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