
Robo Hamsters???

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I was wondering if a Robo hamster is a good pet. Do they nip/bite a lot?? What are the ups and downs about the Robo hamsters? How much attention do they need a day? and any other info would be great!

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  1. I have three robos!  I love them.  You need to buy more than one as they are sociable and need company of their own kind.  They must be all the same s*x (before sexual maturity you can tell the males apart by the yellow stain on their tummy - it is a scent gland that females don't have) and have lived together since they were very young.  

    I have read that they rarely bite but I have been bitten softly (never broken the skin) a few times.  I play it safe and don't put any of my skin near their mouthes!  

    The ups are they are very cute.  Very sociable with each other.  Great to watch as they are very active.  

    The downs are they only really come in one colour so it is very hard to tell them apart!  They are very small and very fast so extremely difficult to handle compared with other types of hamster.  They are more difficult to house as they would escape through the bars of an ordinary hamster cage.  They must have a wire cage designed for dwarf hamsters or mice or a cage with plastic or glass walls but plenty pf ventilation.  They are noctural like all types of hamster.  

    They don't need much attention a day.  Just a quick cage clean, feed and a play.  Weekly they need a full cage clean.

  2. I LOVE ROBOS! I have one myself and he is so sweet and cute and cuddly! They do not nip or bite at all. They are very nice. They tend to be scared alot because they are the smallest breed of hamster. They dont need very much attention. Their cages or tanks need to be cleand once a week. I would not recomend cages because we got a crittertrail for my robo when i first got him, and he would climb the grids of the cage and his feet would get stuck, and it would smell more. I recomend a tank like aquariaum glass.

    Here is everything you should buy.

    Wheel- get SilentSound, they have plastic non squeaking wheels come in diffrent colors to

    food bowls- you can even use your own little dish, we use our own and it is like for dip, (not for the hamster)

    food- get forti-diet for hamsters

    bedding- Carefresh, it controls odors and is soft amd fluffy and will not hurt the hamster unlike pine or cedar or woodchips, do not use pine cedar or woodchips. they hurt the hamster!

    water- meduim temperture water dish is fine, but i recomend the bottle

    for chewsticks use something like little woodsticks that the PETSTORE sells because the ones you find like in your backyard can have bugs the hamster eats which can kill your hammie!

    for treats get something that they will enjoy like something with a good sent, hamsters love treats

    for little houses and hideouts use something like the little plastic igloos, my hammie love to hide in there, they also like to gather up bedding and sleep in it. the igloos are like LOVE to them, my hamste is aways in and out of the igloo, so get one of those becuase they love them!

    for sickness- if you dont clean them for a super long time like 4 months then mites will come, if you give them to much fruit wettail can occur which is daharria and you get rid of that by buying food or medication at petsmart or petco but i found the wettail medicene at petsmart

    do not feed them citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit etc.

    and do not feed it dairy, and remember to always wash of the fruit or vegtable (good dont just run it over the sink)

    i check the food first by looking at it so then i make sure nothing can harm him

    if you got a hamster and it was a girl and was pregnant and had baby hamsters, dont touch them for 6 weeks until they are fully weaned. because the mother might eat them.

    make sure babies get started on solid foof early

    otherwise thats all you should need to knoe
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