
Robo Hamsters?

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Im going to get a robo hamster sometime next week and im really excited. I want to know what kind of cage is best for them, the best food, how many wheels they should have, how to handle them right, their temperments, everything! I want to know everything about robos and their requirements so I can give mine the best life ever!




  1. This is a good starter cage (

    But you may need to replace the wheel with this one (

    DO NOT use cedar of pine bedding, I suggest this (

    I hope you have a good time with your new hamster!

  2. aww that is sooooo nice, if you go to your pet store look for books on hamms there or go to your local library

  3. Cages for hamsters should be at least 19 x 19 inches square and 6 inches high. The best cages have a solid base; do NOT use a cage with a wire mesh floor, as this can injure the hamster's feet. There are generally three types of cages: wire mesh, glass, and plastic.

    Hamsters like to burrow, so bedding should be deep. Good choices of bedding include recycled paper pellets and wood shavings (NOT cedar). The bedding should be changed weekly. Most hamsters use one corner of their cage as a toilet area, and this area may need to be cleaned more frequently.

    Hamsters prefer to have a nesting house where they can sleep undisturbed during the day. Provide nesting material such as facial tissue, soft paper towels, commercial cotton bedding or other soft materials. The nesting material should be cleaned out every 4-6 weeks; cleaning more often may stress the hamster. Since hamsters may bury food in the nesting material, it should be checked routinely, and any hoarded food removed.

    Hamsters love to chew and burrow, so this will give you clues as to what toys and exercise accessories will be most appropriate. An untreated piece of 4x4 works well. Drilling large holes through the wood will provide tunnels, as well. They also like to play with and chew cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper toweling. Larger cardboard boxes can also be good toys, but like the tubes, they will not last long and you will need to replace them often. Special chew toys are also available from pet supply companies.

    Hamsters should have a simple diet of hamster mix, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Be sure to purchase a good quality hamster mix. Such a mix will include small grains such as oats and barley; dried vegetables; peanuts; safflower seeds; and a minimum of sunflower seeds. Do NOT use a bird mix. Buy the mix in small quantities so it remains fresh. A hamster will eat only about 1 tablespoon or less of mix per day.The hamster mix is the staple of a good diet. Monitor your hamster to make sure he is not eating only certain ingredients out of the mixture and leaving the rest.
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