tomoro my friend is giving me an early birthday presant. Its a hamster. I think its a robo(thats what everybody sais) What is it??
I dont know if its a boy or a girl she dont know either, how can i tell??
My other friend has a dwarf hamster, and its a boy, so if my hamster im getting tomoro is a girl, i have all the info and permition to breed her..........i did a lot of research i would just like any extra advice like what to feed a pregnat hamster and what to do before and after the birth........
I also would accept names, for both girls and boys.........
I was thinking of cute names like.....
And boys- Skooter
..things like that
Also, im getting it in a glass aquarium(i THINK its 10 gallon)
What things can I do with it......(hamster)
What things can I put in the cage???
Anything else a new hamster owner should know???
pic of the cutest hamster that im getting tomoro!!............