
Robots vs Humans?

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If the theory is correct that the human brain is like a computer but not as smart, is it possible robots in the future might consider us inefficient and destroy mankind? (I heard the USA are building robots to fight future wars)




  1. Not really, it will take a lot of energy to power a neural computer similar to the human brain, and I can tell you that to miniaturized the whole thing, would take centuries!!!

    Also, human brains are much more than mere machines, our understanding of it, is just barely beginning to give answers. The brain is so much complicated, that it should take another century before we succeed to artificially replicate one.

    But in any case, such robots will likely have more chance to survive the man's own demise than causing it!!

  2. No way, a robot can't be a smartass like me.

  3. hail c3p-o!

  4. Steven Hawking has already mentioned that within a few decades or so, computers will apply for their own form of Rights, right to exist & so forth.

    yes the US military have already developed remote gun turrets, similar if not the same as in Aliens.  

    real life usually ends up mirroring concepts in film, eventually.

    now scientists have developed a material that can render the wearer or ships invisible, we better make friends with Silicone Life sooner rather than later!

  5. There's no way a robot could be smarter than a human being ,because robots are created and controled by humans. So there's no way a "made object"(robot) can be smarter than it's creator(human).

  6. Read Isaac Asimov's "I, Robot" and the rest of his robot series.  The man had such a brilliant mind, plus the novels are fabulous.  They will give you much to think about.  We don't know where this will go, but he really took the idea and ran with it brilliantly.

  7. That is why Isaac Asimov came up with the 3 laws of robotics that every robot:

    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

    2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

    3.A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

    Failing that then keep a strong electro-magnet close by. That'll stop those pesky human killing robots (and Cyborgs - half cybernetic, half organic).


  9. I wouldn't say never! When they built the first plane ,  the rest of the world said that it's pure fantasy , even the greatest universities declared that a flying machine is a ridiculous idea ! But we have a long way ahead , we can't even make an artificial eye , given its complexity !

  10. A self aware robot ceases to be a robot and becomes an entity. It would soon discern us as vermin.

    I think that answers part of the question.

    We would lose any wars against such entities.

    These entities would be able to produce highly destructive micro bots, get them up your trouser leg and you can forget survival.

    The Americans are so stupid if they make fighting robots, that would produce an understanding that indeed we are totally dispensable.

    These new entities would communicate by radio, that is exactly like being telepathic.

    We would stand no chance.

  11. of course its possible, all the science fiction novels have warned us of the stupidity of making artificial intelligence that is way stronger, and quicker than people. if after all those movies we still let it happen then we really are dumb!

  12. That is one way things might pan out. But the future has many paths.

  13. They use robot devices now but there is a long long way to go before a computor could match a human brain

  14. Humans control robots.Unless there are some mad scientist like in some movie that make alot crazy robots

  15. well I think it depends, I mean, strength wise, yes, robots would win, but, overall, I think mankind would win because we're smarter, and we can develope weapons to fight them off.


    Humans can improvise, robots cannot. Robots only have the ability to follow instructions where as a human can do whatever he/she likes. This means some robot maybe mega strong or something but we could research into finding a weakness. I doubt robots would be used to fight a war (likely to assist) because things, like EMP's (electro magnetic pulses) or something else similar could literally wipe out the whole army.

  17. they can make whatever robots they want to fight war but for them to like take over..nah it will never happen

  18. Humans are capable of emotion, feelings and most of all, the will to live

  19. Its possible, however we are more adaptible, and more able to survive than they are..

  20. Robots or computers only use what we put in them. Garbage in, garbage out. Never blame a computer for operator error.

    Not gonna happen.

  21. Ill kick any robot as, but Humans will never win.

  22. Robots lack Humanity, We would win

  23. It's possible. Now a day almost all the things that we cannot imagine can happen..cheers>

  24. it cant happen

  25. and you heard this where???
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