
Rock Fans - Why do you think Winger was made fun of all the time and never got the credit they deserved??

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I mean Kip had the looks and Reb Beach...i mean come on....ANYONE who knows about good guitarists would want him in their band - that guy can shred! I personally thought they were underrated, had excellent showmanship/stage presence, and was a solid band overall.

What is ur opinion on Winger?




  1. Winger sucks.  How many covers of GW has "Reb" had..........don't think too hard slick.  Now how many has Zack Wylde had?  Zack has more talent in the left side of his n*****k than winger has in the whole band.

    Did I mention winger sucks?

  2. Although I do not like Winger (or most of the 80's hair rock scene), I just wanted to say that above answer is one of the greatest I have seen here in the R&P section in a while.  They were talented, just not my style, and don't let all the Peter Noggins out there beat you down.

  3. Because they suck....really they do.

  4.      Thank you for asking a question that will get nothing but pessimistic, negative, stupid answers...  Although, it is not your fault, and you have every right to ask that question.  

         The problem is that a very large number of folk, especially all ages of dudes, or as I call em' Richard Craniums... will make nothing but snide remarks toward rock music, especially from the 80's.  Why??? Because it was about having fun, uplifting, and partying.  If it is not about doing drugs, getting blasted drunk, or pimping 'bi$#ches, it is not worth listening to.  

         About Winger, I drive a cab, and there are a number of folk that do give some credit to Kip, and his group.  The problem with Winger was.......Kip.  Kip had a temper, and would easily become outraged.  And although, he has become a totally different guy, he will always be picked on, because of his past temper, and how the big bands...won't mention any of these bands names, although they had a 'black album', would usually pick on him also.  

         So, it was like the poplular jocks picking on the little nerdy kid, and the nerdy kid was never liked by the majority.  

         That is why, Winger will never get any respect, dignity, or credit.. no matter how much they actually do deserve some.  They were a decent band.  

  5. Because when they got into "the scene" too many bands were in the mix. Also crop it up to bad management.

  6. Because Kip Winger decided to prance with his bass and be a pretty boy. I have seen Winger in concert and Reb Beach with Dokken, and they do have talent. Reb is a fantastic guitarist. Unfortunately, the long hair and prancing negated everything else.

  7. They didnt get any credit because they didnt deserve it

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