
Rock and Pop: Do you think your favorite musician is or will be in heaven?

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I would like to think Kurt is up there... but I don't know.... I'm not even sure if there is a heaven.




  1. kurt cobain definitely is. my other favourite bands maybe. like rage against the machine might. alexisonfire i dont think so. and mindless self indulgence possibly

  2. Regardless of whether or not there is a heaven or h**l, I think we can all agree that these guys are all in a much better place than we are here.

  3. No offense to you or Kurt Cobain, but I just don't see how anyone can have sympathy for a man who takes his own life and leaves a child fatherless, and with a mom who is a crack-job.

    That being said, I hope he is in Heaven because I would not wish anyone to h**l.

    I honestly can't answer, because I don't know what he does behind closed doors, but I hope Peter Dolving does go to Heaven whne he dies. I know he used to have some serious problems with drugs aand alcohol, but he is sober now. I also know he is a family-oriented man and loves his kids and he calls his wife and kids every day. I also know he doesn't do any excessive partying anymore.

    But really know one can answer this question with 100% accuracy...

  4. Freddie Mercury : )

  5. I don't believe in either, but hypothetically speaking, Jim Morrison would probably be in h**l. :P

    And I agree with Paperbag Writer 100%.

  6. I'm an atheist.

    But by those strict, holier-than-thou Christian standards:

    Freddie Mercury? No way, he was g*y. Read Leviticus.

    George Harrison? He wasn't a Christian, right? So he didn't believe Jesus died for his sins... so no way.

    John Lennon? Listen to "God" and "Imagine."

    Kurt Cobain? He shot himself. No mercy for the depressed, right?

    It's so absurd.

  7. Well, as a Pagan, I believe in heaven {regardless of God}, and... somewhere else!

    Sandy Denny must be up there, probably having a drink with her old friends John Bonham and Keith Moon.

    Robert Palmer is certainly there, and I'm sure Nick Drake is too.

  8. Personally i don't believe in heaven or h**l. But then, where does our energy go when we die? Energy doesn't break down, it goes on forever. So our energy has to go somewhere when we die. But i don't think it's a heaven or h**l.

    If there ever was a heaven, i'd like to think Kurt Cobain was there. I don't see why he shouldn't be.... RIP.  

  9. If there is a Heaven (And I sure hope there is) I imagine that Jack White will be there. And "Yes" John Lennon could very-well be up there. And if he is.... WOW! Nice one God. :D

    Just because someone is g*y doesn't mean they're going to h**l. And just because someone killed themselves doesn't mean they're going to h**l, God (and yes I do beleive in one) is wwaaaayyyyy mecifull. Even if someone is a completely screwed-up crack-head He still will love them. You people are insane! (Not athiests just in general the people who have been answering this question)

  10. Kurt Cobain, John Lennon and Frank Zappa are all making music together right now. I believe they are there because God loves music. When I die I shall join them as a singer : )

  11. Well he is g*y, but I am hoping he will be in heaven of course. I think I will let higher powers sort all that out though  :)

  12. I think God would/hopefully would graciously make room up there for a creative guitarist like Tom Morello (when i mean he passes away.. not right now gosh no!!) I mean he's all for social justice and serious change in this world. Although he and his band's ideas as to project them are different from maybe yours and mine but their intentions are pure :)

    p.s. and maybe if i went to heaven then i'd finally meet him!! XD

  13. If Jesus Christ was without a sense of humour.....

    John Lennon would be completely FU*&ED

  14. Trevor Mcnevan(i think i spelled it right) is goin to heaven along with his bandmates becuase basically they are a chiristian rock band.

  15. i don't believe in that stuff

  16. No, I am an atheist.

  17. I don't really believe in heaven and h**l, but if there is one I don't see why not.

    Isn't God supposed to be forgiving?

  18. i dont think kurt will i really wish he he would be but he took his own life

  19. They are all there man!!

  20. Well if he's in h**l, I'm going there too.  

  21. I'm not sure.

    I know George Harrison is up there...

    John Lennon....I hope so...

    But I'm sure they're all up the Great Gig in the Sky :)

  22. Completely agree with STW ^^

    Hillel Slovak overdosed on heroin. I'm sure he's in a different level of life right now. I don't believe in heaven or h**l, just different levels.

    EDIT - Here comes all of the "I'm right, you're wrong" answers :( This is why I hate religions..

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