
Rocky Marciano carrys on?

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Rocky Marciano last fight was in 1955 againest Archie Moore when he was 32 but say he went and carryed on boxing for ten more years till 1965 would he be able to have beat the likes of Floyd Patterson, Ingemar Johnasson, Sonny Liston and Muhammad Ali.




  1. he would of been champion until sonny liston came along sonny liston would of got a title shot earlier also if marciano didnt retire patterson probably would of been a marciano victim as well as ingo johannsenn but marcianos time would of been up against liston it would of been alot like frazier vs foreman

  2. Ruddiger - You said..."If he had fought Patterson he would have been outboxed and lost to a BLACK fighter. "Which he was unwilling to let happen." You make Marciano sound like a racist. Yet Joe Louis (black), was his idol and looked up to and admired Joe. If i remember right, Joe's son in a documentary, brought out that Rocky wept after beating Louis(a black man), his idol. I dont feel Marciano is a racist. It seems to me Rocky wasnt looking at colors, but only seen fighters and warriors, such as himself.

       I dont recall ever reading anything about Rocky being prejudice, or any white or black fighters mentioning this. Yet, you allude to it(and if i read more into your comment, I apologize).

       This is the same with Jack Dempsey, the race card is pulled out on the Harry Willls bout. Jack Dempsey did fight black fighters early in his career. Dempsey was ready, willing, and able to fight Harry Wills. Jack signed TWICE to fight Harry, but it was 'Tex' Rickard and the promoters who failed to deliver on THEIR promise. It's a shame Wills was denied this oppurtunity, but the blame doesn't belong on Dempsey.

  3. What annoys me the most about people and their opinions about fighter's characters tells me more about the person writing about the fighter than it tells me about the fighter. All this race nonsense and disparaging of the fighter seems to evolve from limited or no knowledge at all about who they're talking about. Try to read some autobiograpy or similar about the likes of Jack Johnson,Rocky Marciano,Ali,Dempsey etc.. U may just learn how fascinating and talented,hardworking,dedicated,altruisti... and special these people Are and Were. U might not refer to them as bums,racists,haters etc..I sure didn't form that opinion but rather bolstered my respect and appreciation for each of them.

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