
Rocky vs. Joe Frazer?

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rocky from the movies.




  1. Rockey from movies, he writes script. In real life I would say without a single doubt, Rocky Marciano

  2. Rocky I would imagine. Joe Frazier was an infighter.

    Infighter vs. Puncher is a bad matchup for the infighter.

  3. I think Joe Frazier was a fierce fighter. If they were to fight, here is what would happen.

    Rocky has a statue unveiled in Philadelphia and reveals his plans to retire from boxing. The crowds of Rocky fans disapproves his decision. "Smokin'" Joe Frazier, who is in attendance at the ceremony, challenges Rocky yet again, this time criticizing Rocky having a statue erected in Philly while he has none. Rocky agrees to the fight, but Mickey, his trainer, wants no part of it. He admits to Rocky that the fighters he defended his title against were hand-picked (or in Mickey's own words, "they were good fighters but they weren't killers"), but only because Rocky received such a bad beating (that should have killed him) in his win over Muhammad Ali, that Mickey took it upon himself to make sure Rocky remained successful and healthy. He also tells Rocky that Frazier is a young and hungry "wrecking machine" and that Rocky has no chance beating him. Rocky manages to convince Mickey to train him, but his Las Vegas-style training camp is filled with distractions. Frazier's training regimen of working out by himself in a rundown building with whatever he has clearly shows that he means business when it comes down to the bout

    Frazier and Rocky meet at Philadelphia's Spectrum. During a melee before the fight, Mickey is shoved out of the way by Frazier, and suffers a heart attack. Rocky wishes to call the fight off, but Mickey urges him on while he stays in the dressing room. By the time of the fight, Rocky is both enraged and severely distracted by his mentor's condition. The fight begins, and Rocky starts well, pounding Frazier with huge blows, but Frazier soon goes to work and shows he is a lethal, brutal fighter by slamming the champ around and decking him at the bell. Round two has Rocky in serious trouble as Frazier butally attacks him unmercifully, and Rocky is savagely knocked down with a hook that nearly separates his head from his shoulders. This time he is counted out, losing the title.

    Beaten, Rocky makes his way back to the dressing room and the fallen Mickey who is failing fast. Kneeling at his side, Rocky speaks to his friend in his dying moments, telling him that the fight ended in the second by a knockout, sparing Mickey the truth as his old mentor passes away.

    In a funk of depression, Rocky is confronted by Muhammad Ali, who offers to help train him. Previously, Ali's offer to shake hands with both fighters was sharply rebuffed by Frazier, who called Creed a "has-been" and even challenged the former champion to a fourth fight. Ali makes a pitch to snap Rocky out of his funk and get him back on the winning track. He vows to train Rocky to fight Frazier again, the way Ali thinks he should be fought. He slowly convinces him that he can regain the fire Rocky thrived on in his earlier days, and tells him he must again have the "eye of the tiger", mainly by starting from scratch. Ali takes Rocky to the slums of Kentucky, where he started, so that Rocky can get back to the basics. At first, Rocky is too demoralized to put forth his best efforts. However, after admitting to Adrian that he's afraid and after Adrian tells Rocky to do the fight for himself, and no one else, he pulls himself together to train as hard as he can, adding Ali's speed and skill to his own style of fighting.

    The rematch at Madison Square Garden in New York City. With the odds of Rocky recovering his title strongly against him, Rocky is ready for anything. Meanwhile, in a pre-fight interview, Frazier says, "No, I don't hate Balboa, but I pity the fool." When asked for a prediction for their rematch, he replied, "Pain ..." As the two fighters get their instructions from the referee, they stand nose to nose in center ring. Rocky now wearing the stars and stripes trunks, with Frazier this time in black. In the first fight, the same pose brought averted eyes from Rocky, but now he stands up to Frazier's challenging stare.

    At the start of the fight, Rocky sprints from his corner and goes right after Frazier from the off, fighting with a level of skill and spirit that no one, including Frazier, expected. As a result Rocky completely dominates the first round, scoring punch after punch and demonstrating his newfound speed, modeled somewhat after Muhammad Ali's fighting style. In the second round, Frasier gains the upper hand, and Rocky adopts an entirely different strategy that bewilders Muhammad; he intentionally takes a beating from Frazier, whilst taunting him for being unable to knock him out.

    In Round 3, Frazier, who is used to winning fights quickly with knockouts in the early rounds of a fight, quickly expends his energy trying to finish Rocky off, to no avail. Rocky retalliates and knocks out a confused and befuddled Frazier with a devastating counter-attack of his own, regaining his world heavyweight championship and recovering his self-respect.

    Soon afterwards, Rocky and Muhammad return to Mickey's gym, with Muhammad revealing his favor: a third fight with Rocky. However, this time it would only be a sparring match between two new friends, in which Rocky accepts.

  4. rocky balboa can beat anyone...duh.

    but then there is the little detail about him not being real and all...

  5. From what I remember Stallone had Frazier audition for the role of Clubber Lang. The first problem was Joe hit to hard in the fight scenes. (Yes the punches are pulled, but often connect).

    May be Urban Legend ..... may not?

    There's no way of measuring the ability of a fictional character

  6. Rocky

    Joe Frazer is a geek

    He has hands of cotton

    Rocky has hands of steel

  7. rocky
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