
Rodeo fans, whats your favorite event?

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and why?

I like Barrel Racing and Team Roping. Although Team Roping is kinda boring to watch, but fun to participate in. I like watching Bull dogging.




  1. Hey, I've got an idea! Have you asked your horse what is his favorite event is? I think your horses favorite event is the one were he is spurred the most, barrel racing is it called? Or the one were his mouth is yanked around! Ahh, man does your horse love that!!!

    EDIT: I'm not a 'peta person'. I am just a person with a true love for horses, in the Bible it says to treat others like you would want  others to treat you, and riding you horse with a bit, using spurs, forcing and humiliating the horse in rodeo, and other great things is not a way you would want to be loved, is it? It also says in the Bible that the Lord has compassion  on ALL he has made...and God wants us to have compassion on all of His creatures, rodeo and other equine sports is not 'love' or 'compassion' for the horse...not love at all.

  2. i like pole bending and barrel racing:D

    even though im getting into English riding now,

    i still like those events(:

  3. I love watching it all if its quality.

    But I am an ol' rough stock rider and love the buckers

    Especially ballet on dirt, or more commonly known as saddle bronc. And really what is more iconic than a cowboy on a buckin horses.

    Edit- I really wish the troll had the balls to show them self, that way I could red dot their a@#.

  4. My husband and I love Team Roping, bull riding, bull dogging and barrels....we live in cowboy country with THREE PRCA NFR champions living near us.  

    Edit:  There must be a PETA troll amongst us with the thumbs down...set that spur in 'em.....eeee haaaaaa!!!

  5. im a barrel racing kinda girl and team roping and for the stupid people that said barrel racing hurts the horse they most likely ride english

  6. TEAM ROPING.... and your right totally not a spectator sport...but i love it....and yes....i love to participate....especially when i beat the na na na boo boo..... :)

    BTW have seen lots of children that it wouldnt hurt a bit if they got a little butt whopping....omg.....

    clam...i was thinking that for a little bit and then i just had to let a little well...oops...i am having a horrible time w/ my typing..."calam" still working out all my


    prob not....but i dont think it would hurt to give her one as an adult.....if she is an adult....which from the looks of what she assuming her maturity level is around close im

    just ignore assuming he will go some where else... ( waiting on corn to leave) lol

    yeppers....that is george...he was something i was trying to finish....finaly some one bought him.....i just havent changed my pic....but i will soon....

  7. I enjoy the bull and bronc riding, especially watching with my two grandsons....I had all daughters so it's different with the boys.  I'm not being just is that way.  I also love barrel racing because I used to do it a hundred or so years ago!

  8. Although I personally enjoy running barrels.

    I love to watch the rough stock events.

    Those are my faves.

    I see a troll among us.

    Probably one of those annoying "peta people" bring it on.

    I know you want to...

  9. I know it's not a standard event but there is a circuit for the Indian horse races and they come here to Sheridan and that is by far the best spectator event.  I also really enjoy mutton busting because it's hilarious.  The first time I saw it I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.  But again, not a standard event...unfortunately.

    Otherwise I think I prefer watching steer wrestling because I love how those guys have the b@lls to just fly off their horses and onto a calf like that.  And I like all the bucking events, and roping too because it's skillful.  Okay, so I pretty much like it all.

    I know I will get reamed for this but the one I don't really like is barrel racing.  It's boring to watch.  I know it's really fun to DO, as most speed events are, and I've done it myself so I totally understand why people love doing it, it's addicting!  But strictly from a spectator's point of view, it's not very exciting to watch.  That's usually when I get up and go get some nachos  :)

  10. I love to watch them all!!!!!! But saddle bronc is my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!

  11. I would have to say it's a toss up. I like bareback and saddle bronc just because I like to see some of the horses trying their best to throw some good riders, but then I like the pole bending and barrel racing just because I pole bend and barrel race lol. I like getting an incite on how some people ride and make their times faster so I can learn from mistakes too...

  12. hmm... maybe it's the little kids riding sheep!

  13. I don't ride western, but I have great respect for those who do. And I personally LOVE the rodeo!

    I'd have to say I really like bull/bronc riding, so exciting! and barrel racing and pole bending, I love to see how fast people can whip around those obstacles because I know I'd fall off in the first 2 seconds!

    There's not an even I don't like, those are just some of my favourites =)

  14. Well I would have to say barrel racing cause I do it

    but I like all of it saddle bron, bulls, steers

    everything about a rodeo.


    Corn is not dog food.

    Notice that the question asked rodeo FANS not rodeo HATERS

  15. Participation wise - i like barrel racing and pole bending but as far as watching goes, i love to watch bronc riding and team roping.

  16. So hard to choose just one event.  Team Roping is definitely one of my top events, barrel racing too.  

  17. I like all the events! I am a barrel racer and I actually like to watch it.Since I've had kids that's pretty much all I do right now but that is about to change! LOL

    And to the person (or persons) who disagrees with rodeo.I do not use spurs on my horse and I don't yank on his mouth.I bet you don't spank your kids either but let them walk all over you instead.  Go back to your veggie burger and don't answer a question you know nothing about.  

  18. Hunter Jumping!!!! I also enjoy watching western/Englishh pleasure, barreol racing, really anything!

  19. I haven't been to a rodeo in  years, since I left Texas. As a child, I remember skip day from school when the rodeo came to town. The big parade was indeed a grand pageant. In Indiana there aren't any true rodeos like in the south & west. I loved it all. I liked watching the kids in calf wrestling and trying to catch a greased pig. The girls with gorgeous outfits on their equally beautiful horses were so fast & graceful as they went around the barrels. The guys were just dare devils as they showed no fear in bull & bronc riding.

    However, I think I like the clowns best. They were out there alone (except for a barrel to hide in) with the bulls to keep the riders safe, that makes t hem my true hero.


  20. I like the rough stock...don't know exactly why...but I do.  And I like watching the bullfighters.  It's like when I'm own anticipation gets revved up.  And how many that are watching closely..."gasp"...if something goes wrong or the cowboy gets thrown.  I think those particular events are able to get the audience involved.  I'm not explaining this well...I'm not waiting for the 'train wreck'...but watching these events gets our hearts and breath and emotions involved.

    The other events...I mostly watch the horse.  I love to see them break out of the box, ears pricked and dancing as they wait to go...then pinned back as they explode out of the box.  I really like to see a horse that is excited about their job.  This goes for barrel racing too...I just like seeing the rider and horse work together.

    Guess I like all the events...but the rough stock is the best.  Oh except for the mutton busting.  That is the funniest and cutest thing I've ever seen.  I watched a 4 or 5 year old get bucked off...or fall off.  And when he got up, he raised his arms like Lane Frost and waved his hands and fingers at the crowd.  He got a standing ovation and the trophy.  That was the best event I've ever seen.

  21. Barrel racing, Im in NBHA

    Bull riding, my husband rides bulls for prca right now

    pole bending and breakaway

  22. Ahh I am a barrel racer through and through, almost like it is in my blood ;). And for the ***** that said something about spurs and yanking there mouth I have a little information for you so you can stop talking out of you *** and have some truth behind what you are saying. I do not use spurs ever when I run. Strictly for training purposes and very often at that. You know western pleasure and english riders use spurs too. I am not saying it is wrong, just mentioning it.  And about the mouth yanking, another mindless comment, not you fault I suppose you are misinformed. None of my horses have harsh bits in there mouth, due to the fact I could run the pattern on all of them with no bits or saddles, I yes when practicing at home I often do just that. Oh and maybe you don't think I am good because of my lack of harsh riding but I am a championship racer since high school. you would be surprised if you opened your eyes and stopped your prejudiced  comments that not many people ride the way you described thank you.

    So my favorite is barrel racing, to ride in of coarse ;) but I love it all to watch I could never pick just one "abusive"(sorry had to) event.

    Thank you and have fun rodeoing!

  23. team roping(i strictly ride english)but barrel racing is mean and pointless to me...i normally wouldnt comment on a question like this but no one is posting questions so im bored =P

  24. hey i love to watch all the events. but the ones i like to participate in are barrel racing and team penning. i like barrel racing because i love the seed and the sharp turns. it is sooooo fun to go as fast as you can. but i love the team penning because i love to play with the cows and i think it is the funnest cow event to participate in but, that is my opinion.

    for corn nut or what ever, it said rodeo fans not people that are haters of rodeos.

  25. I love to watch roughstock events!!! Saddlebronc is my all-time fave as my husband used to compete and it is also the one event that has a basis in cowboy history. If you think about it, they never did have to break out bulls :P I love to watch roping, but have to agree when the barrel racing starts it is time to go and get a hot dog or something. It's fun to do but repetitive watching.

    Love pack horse races, chucks and all the little kids events: calf scrambles, mutton bustin, wild pony races, etc

  26. i was not going to comment but now i have decided to i am fine with a few Few  of the events not all just a FEW but i can not believe what some of you said that i am horrified at your behavior bull riding and bronco riding no i dont like that at alll. i knew someone who had a horse that was abused in that sport and it was taking that horse tatters a long time to be ridden again. i really do not find this sport as something that has any use anymore i agree with some people on here that you rated their answer low. IT has no use what so ever.

    AND TO TEENBEAUTY bulls are not ugly and they dont deserve this punishment your talking about but if i was you i would not JUDGE ANYONE OR ANIMAL your only suppose to judge yourself god is the one who gets too really. so who are you too say that ?

    i really dont see some of this sport staying it has to go i say that you can keep your barrel racing

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