
Rodney King?

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What happened to the policemen that were beating him?




  1. I believe that they all recovered from their injuries that Rodney King inflicted on them and he recovered from his injuries from the policemen who inflictecd injury upon him when they finally subdued him.

  2. Oh we have to go there... the 4 police officers who were accused of beating King in 1992 were acquitted  a year later of the beating, while 2 of the officers were found guilty in 1993 in federal court for violating king's civial rights, they served 30 months in a federl prison.

    But please I'm sick to death of this c**p, this man was not a martar, he has a rap sheet the length of my arm.

    July 7, 1987 King was arrested for domestic abuse on his first wife

    Nov 3, 1989 King was arrested for attempting to rob a convience store, he brandished a tire iron at the clerk, guess he needed that 40 pretty darn bad that night!!

    March 3, 1991 King was arrested for speeds in excess of 110-115 mph, he also charged the policed officers and was charged with resisting arrest.

    may 11, 1991 king was pulled over for excessively tinted windows, he was driving without a license and and expired car registration

    May 28, 1991 King was picked up for solisiting a prostitute who was under surrvalience at the time by the police.

    June 26, 1992 King was arrested for abusing his 2nd wife

    July 16, 1992 King was arrested for another DUI no charges were filed.

    Aug 21, 1993 King was charged with can you guess..another DUI which resulted in a crash into a nightclub, his parole was violated

    May 21, 1995 Arrested for I'll give you a hint, it begins with a D ends with an I...yep you guessed it another DUI..who would have thunk it

    July 14, 1995 Found guilty of hit and run driving, his wife was injured in this incident

    March 3 1996 king injured a 16 girl he fathered out of wedlock when he was 17 years old

    Sept 19, 2001 King was arrested for indecent exposure

    Now Please don't speak to me about how this man's rights were viloated, this is a man who has repeatedly been in trouble for years with the law, and is NO INNOCENT BYSTANDER.

  3. they were acquitted of the charges and that was what started the riot he was being pursued because when the cops pulled him over he attempted to run one of them down also when they finally got him out of the car and put him on the ground in the original footage you could hear the cops telling him to stay down but he kept trying to get up and that is why they were hitting him (not beating there is a difference). also if you notice the hits were to non vital parts of the body IE arms and legs. I

  4. They're doing Hyundai commercials, since that was what Rodney was speeding in when he was arrested.

  5. There was some rioting but more people were looting from what I saw. How does breaking a store window and carting off a television and VCR tell the world that you are upset with the injustice in the world? It doesn't!!!!! People who would rather prey on the innocent and steal from hard-working people took advantage of the emotionally charged climate and had a hey-day with shopping carts and Molotov cocktails.

      Most people tend to forget that the original airing of the "beating" video showed King actively lunging at the officers. We tend to forget the fact that he was on drugs and travelling in excess of 100mph while entering the city. He had already shown that he was a danger to himself and others even before he was pulled over. Critics say "why didn't they just pile on top of him"?  Think about that for a second. You have several armed officers fall on top of this guy. That leaves several handguns within reach of this guy. Who knows how much damage he would have done if he got ahold of one of them? Shortly after the first airing the video was conveniently shortened to just show the last few minutes when LAPD was finally getting control of him. And it played over and over and over again.  This wasn't a black and white issue. It was a law enforcement situation that was filmed by one person and modified by an entire media to produce ratings. And it was sensationalized by media hungry "activists" who cry out for racial equality while spending their entire time trying to twist everything into racial inequality.   Where were the protests and outcrys for Reginald Denny when he was pulled from his semi and beaten nearly to death?  Bet you don't even know who I'm talking about.

  6. They were put on trial but were found to be innocent of the charges of beating him. Two of them did go to prison for perjury though!
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