
Rogaine users...or!?

by  |  earlier

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ive been shedding a lot of hair lately so i got a can of rogaine, i put it on and my scalp started burning like when after i shave and get small cuts and then i put aftershave, only that it was on my freaking head. is this burning sensation normal or could it mean that theres another reason for my hair loss? thanks!




  1. your probably allergic to it, just like some people are allergic to hair dye. look at you family, are any of them bald?, if so then maybe your going to be bald

  2. Hair loss can be a sign of a lot of different things. Stress, hormones, illness, or a side effect from a medication, are the most common. You need to go to a dermatologist to find out whats causing the hair to fall out. Don't wait too long, the sooner you treat hair loss, the more success you will have . Good Luck :-)

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