
Roger Federer going down hill right? He's not playing well, his confidence is shot!?

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Roger Federer going down hill right? He's not playing well, his confidence is shot!?




  1. Well, I'd say that his confidence is shot, and it certainly doesn't help that the media is quick to tear him down. His loss in round 2 didn't help either. but I think Roger just needs a new coach and needs to adjust his game and get his confidence back. The he can start playing well again, because he's sure got the talent and I don't want to see that go to waste b/c of his low confidence.

  2. His career, has finally met the decline, it's not like he could fight it off forever. Buts it not tot say that Federer still doesn't have any more future wins (or future grand slam wins for that matter) under his belt.  Andre Agassi still won grand slams even when he fell to rank number 122! if the bald man can do it, so can Federer

  3. Yes, unfortuneatly, because I was one of his fans. He going down first losing Roland Garo's then Wimbledon and now he just lost in the first round of the Roger's tournament. Sadly Nadal's gonna become #1 then Federer's gonna slowly start slipping away and soon retire. (He getting old, he's losing to alot of younger players)

  4. No. He's fine. Stop hating.

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