
Roger Federer is out?!?

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no way! i turn my back for one second!




  1. Blake won in straight sets 6-4, 7-6

  2. sad but its true

  3. its official now, federer is history! federer is gone! its all over! i always said federer losing to blake will tell if federer is finished! and now its happened!

  4. yes hes out and you got to accept it. No cheating there.

  5. No gold for Fed now :(!

  6. ya, but im happy for blake

  7. I cant believe it either. I didnt get to see the match, i was sleeping lol! What happened ? Did Blake just play amazing tennis or was Federer just not playing well at all :S ! Federer out of the Olympics, its like no way, i never imagined it in my life, i know he`s been having surprise losses to the likes of simon, karlovic however Roger really wanted to do well here, he wanted that Gold medal, i thought he would have played his heart out to beat every guy...... craziness He said the Olympics was extremely important to him more than a GrandSlam.... I cant believe it.

  8. Well that's put paid to a Nadal v Federer final

  9. FOREVER ROGER!!!! NOW AND FOREVER  !!!! Number 1 for ever.

  10. Federer may be losing it,

    but he has had his day...  

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