
Rogers pay-as-you-go sucks. Know any alternatives?

by  |  earlier

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Last year, I paid $400 to get out of Roger's CLAWS OF DEATH (monthly plan).

And now, I have pay-as-you-go. I put $10 in, and it gets used up so fast! If I don't use it, it expires!

I live in Nova Scotia, I need an alternative. I heard of $100 rogers pay as you go cards, but I don't know where to get them. Apparantly they don't expire for 1 year.




  1. I use Bell pay-a-you-go with the automatic top up service.  The minutes last three months and then expire, but the top up service just adds $10 more.  It only tops up if the balance reaches zero.  So basically, I always have an active cell, for a minimum of $10 every three months ($3 per month).

  2. "Claws of death" lmao!

    I just wanted to make a note that the best range and reception when it comes to providers is Bell. Not Rogers. Personally, I'm with Telus. Their rates and offers are much better then Bell and ALOT better then Rogers. Not sure about Rogers rates but Bell has higher 911 fees, access fees and higher per minute fees.

    But as one of the other answers mention the automatic top up is convienient. You pick how much goes on and as long as you keep it topped up (with most providers) your minutes will roll over.

    On the other hand, $10 a month, even if you don't get to use the minutes and they expire is a heck of alot better (and cheaper) then what you pay on a plan. I have the lowest plan available and I pay minimum $30.00 a month. And my phone is uncharged 85% of the time. Even sadder one month I only made 2 calls, and one was to my voicemail! I was like "Oh thats great, $30.00 for two phone calls."

    Plans are retarted unless you use your phone constantly or need it to be reached for work related stuff. I'd suggest just sticking with the $10.00 a month.

  3. Well the pay-as-you-go that I have is from Telus (I'm on the other side of the country so I'm not sure if this affects you). Rogers has the best quality and reception as far as I know, but Telus is cheaper. With Telus you put $10 in (depending on which kind you want) every month and it only expires if you don't top up every month. Because of that, your extra minutes is kept (only if you top up every month).

    I think the cards should be available at stores like Best Buy, Futre Shop, and some gas stations, etc. Well at least they are over here.

    If I were you, I'd try to sign up during one of their promotions. =)

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