
Roland garros???????

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hey guys i know ivanovic is the hottest star around bt i really don like her dressing sense.

ivanovic sweats a dozen times more den other players den y wear a dress that shows up the sweat marks like this one

i think adidas needs to think to hide the sweat marks of profusely sweating ana. so give her sumthing in black




  1. sweat doesn't matter, she's playing amazing tennis.

    if your so concerned then look at her offcourt

  2. I don't like that outfit just because its kinda ugly. She has really dark lips, I noticed. Not that that's bad or good, just noticed it now.

  3. As long she's a great player i don't think any thing else about her should bother you. And i don't think there is anything she can do. Tennis outfits are made out of material that makes sweat evaporate faster.

  4. Intense tennis=sweat

  5. she's still a good tennis player

  6. dude when u get a girlfreind that is that goodlooking then call me!

  7. i've said this many times...stop asking this you idiot.

    and what does this have to do with roland garros????

  8. Ew, why did you have to show us that, all that matters is she can play tennis. Unless shes really really really good looking :)

  9. Get over it!  Athletes sweat, especially when they're giving it their all.

  10. what has any of this got to do with roland garros?

  11. i'm sure you would sweat alot if you were playing a 3 set match with like 2000 people watching you and a ranking weghing down on you! geez get over it!

  12. Whoa... She's soaking wet! If Ana sweat a lot - like a dozen times more - it really is difficult to hide those sweat marks and i don't think a black dress can. I think the reason why you could hardly see sweat marks on Maria's dress was that she doesn't sweat a lot, even her pictures during her matches don't show that kind of perpiration, and she doesn't dry herself with a towel that much. As an athlete, it's natural for Ana to sweat even though like a dozen times more than any other tennis player, that's simply how she is. Although that's somewhat distracting, you'll get used to it.
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