
Role models. What are the choices for young people? (do they really have a choice?)?

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Everyone is talkin about that young people are too much influenced by the media etc. (just as well as adults btw :)

The prototype of the role model these days is a celebrity. Do you agree?

How can you show adolescents that thinking, considering ideas, or being intelligent in general could be an option too?

I think there is a great responsibility of the school, but it can never overwhelm the collective effect of the media and peer groups. What do you think about this?




  1. I have to say I don't agree that the prototype role model today, for the majority of young people, is celebrity. That's not to deny the existence of a significant and vocal minority who do believe that celebrity fo celebrity's sake void of talent is both desirable and (more ludicrously) achievable. However for many of these it will probably just be a phase.

    Those who DO have a lasting and unshakeable impression that life will be great once they are rich and famous, or win the lottery, and have no discernable talent or skills are usually school refusers who would have found some other illusion to live under to excuse their lack of desire to learn. These people are indeed an identified cause of social problems... by the MEDIA of course (how ironic).

    I think we do schools a great disservice when we expect them to be the cure-all for every conceivable social ill and thereby make them the cause of every social ill. If children do not value education I suggest you look to their parents first and foremost.

  2. do you actually think that people would ever look up to someone not rich or famous?

    besides family, but even family is better rich or famous

  3. find your own role models and heroes .... celebrity means nothing ...

  4. It is up to the individual as to whom they look to for guidence.  Maturity gradually provides one with experience and (hopefully) sense to abandon the frivolous celeberty idols of our youth and look to those who display a true philisophical wisdom.

  5. I'm only 14, and I don't look up to celebrities.

    Heck, I don't even pay attention to those things. I guess it's really important on how your school is.

    You know, how people think this is cool, that's awesome. It's all a big stereo type. The people your age really influence your choices in your life. I don't think celebs have much to do with it, but peer pressure being the source.

    I think there are just too many of the plastic populars to be able to eliminate the problem. I have no idea how to help this come to an end.

    I wonder, though. Why're people so obsessed with celebrities anyway? Wouldn't it be more helpful if they tried going out there and making a difference?

    Some adults are just so weird.

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