
Role of zoos in modern times ineed it as a paragraph format on about 1000 words from where i get it?.urgently.

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  1. where do you get a 1000 word paragraph from??? thats an easy on. you do the research, and then open microsoft word or corel word perfect and type a 1000 word paragraph.  it will have to be your own thoughts and ideas..

  2. It seems like you are somehow related with Dr.B.R.A.G.Polytechnic ............ I heard there is an essay writing competition ......... Am I right ...........

  3. You'll need to write the paragraph yourself - but this should help get you started.  Modern zoos essentially have four different roles: entertainment, education, research, and conservation.

    Entertainment - zoos have to heavily consider entertainment.   If they didn't, people wouldn't go to them and they'd all have to shut down.

    Education - zoos are among the top places people can get information on wildlife and wildlife issues; many zoos also have programs working with local schools

    Research - many legitimate behavioral studies are conducted by observing zoo animals; many zoos sponsor field researchers

    Conservation - first of all, being able to see the animals in person makes people far more likely to want to save them (consider how many people are interested in saving tigers and panda bears versus how many people are interested in saving the boulder darter); zoos are on the forefront of captive breeding programs for endangered animals and are the biggest reservoir for the preservation of genetic diversity in endangered species

    This link ( ) will give you some pretty good info about education, conservation, and entertainment (under the kids' section).  This one ( ) and all its links will give you good info on some of the research.

  4. you want to do a report on the role of zoo in the 21st century and  their effects on the environment.  I suggest you look at the American Chestnut trees and the decimation due to the NY Zoo!

    With the loss of so many important trees in North America, I bet this has had a huge impact on the animals and people, as well as the environment!  They are so lucky they have not been held financially responsible for devastating the American Chestnut tree.

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