
Role play area?

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can a reception class have a role play area for children to play in?

is there anywhere else where children could play with dress up clothes etc apart from being at home

it is for some college work.

thank you




  1. Yes! In fact, it is becomming more and more commonplace in primary school reception classes and nursery groups in themselves.

    Children could express themselves in the form of dressing up at other relatives houses remember, perhaps Grandma would have a dressing-up box.

  2. Yes, reception do but it depends what school

    becuase obviously different schools have different

    facilities. Other places kids can dress up are at a

    play school, after school club, etc

  3. My son's nursery has a dress-up rail.

    My daughter spent a lot of time in role-play during reception class.  She is in year 1 and they still have role play, but a little more focused now.  They had a travel agent for a while (whilst doing a geography project), an estate agent at the moment (they are learning about homes) and always have a shop - it helps with adding and subtraction.  They still have the chance to put their own personality into the character but the teacher has other learning outcomes she wants them to achieve.

    Other places - some play centre's.  We went to a big discovery zone that included a dressing up section.  We are going to London in the summer and I remember reading on the website that the museum (natural history I think) has a dressing up section).

    Children don't need fancy clothes to role play - they just use their imagination.  My daughter loves her princess dresses, but they don't help her to play at being a mummy.  My son loves his Thomas conductor outfit and his Bob the builder kit but they don't help him when he is pretending to be a dinosaur!

  4. A reception class should have a role play area, play still plays a major part in there development at this age.

  5. Yes, they should do. There is a huge emphasis on speaking and listening at the moment in the UK, and the amount of role play areas throughout primary schools have increased dramatically.
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