
Roles of Officers in military (USMC specifically)?

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what exactly does someone with an infantry MOS do... I know they command the troops and so on, but what do they actually do during battles? Are they right up there with the troops on the front lines, or do they command from a distance?

I'd prefer if only people with military experience answer... thank you.




  1. A leader would be the first one in the fight, and last one to leave. However, most of the time the "leaders" are your First Sergent's, Gunny's, Cpl's, and Sergent's.  But most officers are managers(People who manage, assign, instruct, etc).  Officers are trained for the worst, but some rarely encounter it. Most of the time officers are just relaying info, even in battle. Some officers will fight beside you and some from afar. You can usually judge a real officer whom is also a leader by their character. If you wanna see which one you have, watch how they respond in adversity. Do they share victory? Treat troops with the same respect they request from troops?

    Have humility? That's the only way you will find out.

    Navy Doc married to the Marine Corps.

  2. check out, that site will answer any question you have concerning officers, as well as anything you need to know to become one.

  3. Watch Generation Kill, you'll get a pretty good idea.  Although they were a recon force, they were doing mostly infantry jobs on that show.  The LT's (gold and silver bars both) and the Captains command the troops in the field.  Above that, they stay at HQ with the Battalion commanders, getting SITREPS and orders from the one stars and above.  So in short, depending on how high up the officer is decides how close to the line he is.  

  4. An Infantry Officer is the best of the best in the company of The Basic School.  They are born with leadership abilities and are really physically fit.  

    You need to be because you will have 30 to 40 Marines that are ages 18 to 22, plus a few that will be FAR older than you!  

    Everyone has a different leadership style.  However an Infantry Officer MUST lead from the front and by example.  When everyone is tired, the Infantry officer must find a way to motivate not only himself, but EVERYONE else.  ALL eyes will be on him.  His body language.  His faith in the plan of his highers.  He can make or break a mission by just stating something wrong.  

    ALL of the Marines in his platoon must think of him as "god Like".  

    If someone is crossing a line of departure, the Infantry Officer should GO FIRST!  

    Read some statements from Medal of Honor winners.  Whether they were officers or not, you will  run into stories about the traits that ALL officers should possess!  Especially the Marine Corps!

    A perfect example of an Officer in action is Saving Private Ryan (yes an Army film).  Tom Hanks played the roll in all aspects perfectly.  He had a Platoon Sergeant that was beyond experienced.  He had to make something out of chaos.  He had to tell his men that they were going to find Ryan when it was something he DIDNT believe in.  All of which exemplify Infantry Officer Material!

  5. Sit back,and watch your young soldiers get kill,and cut to pieces.They go to military college,so they don't have to fight.

  6. Well here is something you might not know and it will answer your question..

    The first US service man killed in the Iraq war as a result of enemy fire was a USMC LT..the second was one of his Marines..

    So yes they lead Marines into battle..After they achieve the rank of Captain they become company commanders are are not found in the front lines as much but instead they move to the CoC and command their companies from there at times.

    The CoC is where many officers of all ranks up to LT COL will be located in a battalion size unit..This includes the motor t, supply, intel, and chaplain  officers..there are many more but these are just examples of some of them..

    Line company officers are the ones who are leading their Marines into harms way.

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