
Roller Coaster Phobia?

by Guest45265  |  earlier

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every one in my family and a freind are all going to chesington world of adventures

but im the only one not going on the rides

any advice




  1. I used to p**s myself over coasters. Now there's nothing scary at all about it, even if I raise my hands. Just try one and it'll be great

    I'm scared of heights btw

  2. My daughter is the same...she never normally goes on rides with large drops!

    But, last weekend, she braved a log flume, and loved it so much, she wanted to go again!

    Really, it only does it once (most of the time) and once its over, that's


    Chesington is Brilliant, and there are plenty of slower rides etc.

    So just go and have fun together!!!!

    Hope this helped!

  3. Ok. Just get on it. Close your eyes and force yourself into the cart. Once your on it, you'll have a blast. Its alot more scary looking at other people on the ride but its fun when your on it!

  4. Just go on the easier rides-the ones with NO loops and straight downs-first. Go easy on yourself first. Then, when you feel a little bit more comfortable, go on the faster rides but still no loops. Then, when you're TOTALLY CONFIDENT, go on the ones with straight downs and loops!! What makes me feel better with the straight downs is to scream REALLY LOUD and put my hands up!! It makes me feel better. you might feel scared at first, but just relax, don't freak out, and have a good time!!! you might even want to go on the ride again, but if you don't, i think it's OK.

  5. well first off chessington isnt that scary. The scariest ride is dragons fury but its not as bad as somewhere like Thorpe park. you should go on the rides coz you will regret it. My friend went to thorpe park and regretted not going on the bigger rides.

    Remember the theme park cannot afford to lose one of its customers in an accident. all of the rides are fully checked before the park opens. If your scared of a ride ask one of your family to go with you and hold your hand or sumthing. It worked for me and no one thought i was weird. once you get of the ride you will feel exhilirated and wonder why you were scared in the first place.

    Have Fun

  6. i went on all the rides there they arent that scary i would avoid ramases revenge because thats the worst.  vampire ride and dragon ride are really good.  just stand in the queuse forcing yourself to get on and take your mind off it in the queue at least if you do it once you can see if you like the rest.  or build yourself up go on a smaller ride like rattlesnake and work your way up to the vampire

    good luck***

  7. Be the person who waits at the bottom of thr ride looking after all the bags, younger children etc.

    Just go on the rides you feel comfortable on.

  8. I'm the same I hate rides, basically when I go with my friends is just make the most of it, have a laugh, take loads of pics. Just have a good day in general. Unless you go on a ride or two.  

  9. If your not going on the rides then why waste the entrance money go to the pictures instead

  10. I am going Chessington next week :)

    I have been twice already it is real fun!

    The rides are great! You shud go on a few!

    Once you are on it you will just enjoy yourself!

  11. just go for it, yes you will be racked with nerves as your getting on the rides but you can always close your eyes which helps me a lot. try and go on rides that dont last too long!

  12. It really wierd.. when I was young I was really into rollercoasters. I remember going on a two loop rollercoaster when I was about 9 and I thought it was fine. A few years (after not going on rides for ages) I was sooo scared of going on any rides.

    1 day I wen't with my friends to Thorpe Park and they were persuading me the whole time to go on a ride and finally I gave in and wen't on Collosus which has 10 loops!

    After that I was buzzing and wen't on it again and then all the main rides at the park. Now i'm not scared of going on any rides. Trust me - dont be scared and do it! You'll be really nervous when your queueing up for it but after that you will definately wanna go on more. The scariest ride at Chessington is hardly scary AT ALL anyway.

    After all - its not like your going to get hurt, right?

    Have fun ;)

  13. Being terified is the whole point of adventure rides. If you don't want to do it, don't.  Watching is cheaper and you hang on to your lunch.
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