
Roller Coaster Question?

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I went with some of my friends to 6 flags a couple of weeks ago. I was able to go on Goliath, Collasues*Twice* and Scream. After Scream howerver, i started feeling a little weird from stomach/mind*cant remember* and then i went to batman like 10-minutes later n i throw up. After i just felt sick n went home. Im 16 and im just trying to find out why do i do this. Can anyone explained or give me some help so i can handle this problem becuase i do like rollar coaster. Thank You to anyone who helps.




  1. It depends if you went on them 5 times in a row. If you didn't rest, then oh no!!!

    Maybe you should see a doctor or rub your stomach

  2. Did you eat before the ride?  Sometimes that'll seriously s***w up your system, or being dehydrated or even the heat.

    Or you're one of those people that just can't handle some rides.

  3. I would say it sounds like you might have dehydration.  I mean the rides lines are long and you are walking the park and in the heat... not to mention whatever you had done in the days beforehand... When I had severe dehydation (to the point of heat stroke), I was eating and drinking normally but I felt like p**p.  It might be an imbalance in your potassium and electrolyte levels that caused you to feel sick and feel disoriented.  If you are still feeling ill, I would get checked out by a doctor.  I honestly don't think it is rollercoaster related.  

  4. Did you just eat before you rode it? Was it too hot outside? These could be a couple of reasons why you would throw up on a ride.

  5. Scream kind of messed me up to, made me dizzy and a little sick, Next time take breaks every 2 or 3 coasters cause when I go to six flags we always rush everything and I get pretty sick towards the end. next time just pace yourself, drink plenty of fluids, and eat less.

  6. This is just a classic equation of tolerance. Your body cannot take the excess amount of hills & turns and you got motion sickness. Or it could be the adrenaline that is running through your body, or you ate too much. I suggest if you go to amusement parks and you feel a little sick after a ride or something else, take in a show, relax, talk. Just don't do anything that is strenuous, such as riding rides, for an hour or until you feel better. Or you could wear one of those motion sickness bracelets that keep you from puking. Hope this answer helped!

  7. If it was a hot day and you were running from ride to ride, you were probably dehydrated. Next time, give yourself a little time between them, and drink something - soda or gatorade. If it was motion sickness, it would have happened ON the ride.

  8. The G-Force from a coaster is enough to make some people feel sick, its just dependent on the person. Nothing you can really do to help it away from not eating too soon before riding, or possibly taking some pepto bismol beforehand.  

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