
Roller Door Dilema! Doors not obeying me!

by  |  earlier

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We have double automatic garage doors that were working perfectly when installed, though around the time we got our new wirless router, the doors stopped opening when remote was pressed. Could this be as a result of interference from the router? Or something else? HELP!




  1. d**n technology............

  2. It could be any number of things.

    I assume from your question your saying both doors played up at about the same time.

    I also assume you have two hand held remotes and both are having trouble. I also assume you have checked the doors for damage and have checked the batteries in the remotes.  

    Why not turn off everything to do with the router and all computers.  Maybe this will see you on the way to having an answer for your question as if it is again working then your just about pin pointed the source of the problem.

    If that makes no difference then try asking neighbors if they have a new router as it could be someone else's equipment causing you trouble.

    Could you also turn off other electronic things around the home as it could be one of them.

    If it is some equipment then the only way to find it is to try each item one at a time to locate the one who is the problem.      

  3. The routers use completely different frequencies and could never interfere with the door opener.

    Check the batteries in the opener remotes. Check that the protective photocells down near the floor on both sides of the door are not covered with dirt and don't have something blocking their path.

    Follow the directions for re-teaching the opener your codes (involves pressing a button on the opener so an indicator light goes on and then pressing a remote button till the indicator light goes out.)

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