
Roller coaster question. scared!?

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ok i've been to busch gardens, went on the griffon- scariest ride there. 90 degree drop down 205 feet. i went to kings dominion, went on the dominator. longest floorless roller coaster in the world and biggest loop. i'm about to go to six flags and i might go on the kingda ka. scary? yeah. do you think i'm ready? haha i've been on every roller coaster in both kings dominion and busch gardens. is it really that bad? and i've heard it's not safe, does rollbacks and often breaks. should i go on it? or should i stick with the maverick? or is that worse? :O




  1. Kinga Ka is safe. It does break down quite frequently but that's because of the type of coaster it is (usual when it's broken it has NOT launched) they just back the train back into the station. Rollbacks are common but they are in no way dangerous, they just happen when they train don't gather enough speed to get of the hill, the train just comes back down and will reset and launch again. I'd say you'd be fine on Kingda Ka, the tallest thing I had rode when I rode Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point (2nd tallest in the world only 30 some feet shorter than Kingda Ka) was Hypersonic at KD, it's not there now, but it was only 185 ft tall. So don't let the height get you, get in line and have a awesome ride~

  2. There has been a bunch of Questions lately on the same topic, so I'll just copy and paste most of my own answer that I wrote in previous questions.

    And by the way, I know this is going to at least cross your mind once, so I might as well tell you. Coasters are VERY safe. Statistically, driving in a car to the theme park is 10 times more dangerous than getting hurt on a coaster. You are more likely to win the lotto then get hurt on a ride. Think about it, and try some coasters. You'll have a blast. :)

    Don't be nervous! They are designed to feel like they are unsafe or dangerous but in reality, they are perfectly safe. If you are still nervous...look up on youtube for on-ride videos of the coasters you are scared of that you want to try. That helped me when I used to be scared, and hey, it might help you. Good luck!

    And if you already did most of the coasters at Busch and Dominion, than you can conquer anything at Six Flags! Rollbacks and breakdowns are very rare, but I'm not going to lie to you, they DO happen. But rarely. And if it does, it's for your safety! Coasters are so complex and designed for anything possible, they are literally fail-safe. That sounds a bit over exaggerated, but it's the truth. I've worked and been in the theme park and coaster business for a number of years. and yes, you should try Kingda Ka. It's a record breaker! Haha, they are both as safe as well. Just have fun! :)

  3. If it does rollbacks and breaks often I personally wouldn't even go near it unless I was feelin' really brave.

  4. Everything in six flags is scary, everytime i go something breaks down or somebody gets hurt. I think you schould stick with going somewhere actually, six flags is the worst amusment park they ever made.

  5. Kingda Ka is scarier than Maverick, but if you could handle Griffon's drop than you will be fine on Kingda Ka.  Griffon's drop is scarier than Kingda Ka's but Knngda Ka has that speed.  If you like speed than Kingda Ka will be perfect for you.  Also Griffon is way scarier than Maverick so don't worry about that one either.

  6. Dont worry ; Kingda Ka is very scary ; but no where near dangerous. Occasionally ; there are roll backs, but they are not dangerous and you get to start the ride over anyway ! GO on Kingda Ka and im sure you will have lots of fun !

  7. I think roller coasters are very safe, I mean they have to inspect it every so often. and roller coasters aren't meant to be scary, they are made to have fun. so take a risk and get on that roller coaster and face your fear

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