
Rollercoaster advise?

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stupid question but my best friend is forcing me to ride a rollercoaster. on sunday...

but i never ever road a roller coaster and I dont want to. what do i say to her?




  1. "My stomach hurts" is one excuse but really, riding a roller coaster is so much fun! You should really try it, it's like once you get on and get off you want to get on again.

  2. quit being so scared and just do it. theyre fun and mostly harmless.

  3. Tell her u have a bad stomach or some lame excuse

  4. If you've never ridden one, how do you know you won't like it? I would give it a shot. If you get on it and you feel really sick, close your eyes. It may be hard to believe, but you really can't tell what's happening with your eyes closed. You won't even know if you go upside down. And if you throw up, make sure it gets on your friend. Just kidding.

  5. rollar coasters are awesome!

    but first start with the ones that don't do that flips and go upside down.

    sometimes that gets you sick or gives you a headache.

    but yeah

    you should try it

    they are really fun!!

    but since you really don't want to go.

    just tell your friend that you don't want to.

    Tell her maybe another day.

    though, you should go on one.

  6. trust me almost everyone is nervous before ever getting on one! i used to be scared to death! but you just have to work up your nerves and get on the d**n thing! once you get off youll want to do it again! if you hated it, then tell her its not for you!

  7. i dont want to go i have a family commitment already

    if you already said you would go you are screwed.

  8. Just tell her you dont feel ready to and it scares you. if shes a real friend she will understand

  9. If you want to lie, tell her the first time you went on a rollercoaster you got extreemly sick, and that you never want to do it again, you could say, "well i wouldn't want to get puke on you ya know?"

  10. just go and have fun...dont turn her down just qoo they are not even scary

  11. ummmmmm, i dont wanna! thats all u need to say, but idk y ur a frady kat?

  12. Tell her you don't want to. If she doesn't treat your request with respect, you shouldn't treat her as a best friend. (I think you should though :) They're soo much fun!)

  13. teel her you have never rode one and ride it you only live once

  14. If you really don't want to ride the rollercoaster,  just tell her the truth, tell her that you don't want to and that you would rather do something else.

  15. tell her u get queasy and u'll throw up on her if u get on..good luck

  16. just tell her you dont want to

    i hate rollercoasters and if my friend wanted me to go on one they would understand if i said NO

  17. Tell her you've never ridden a roller coaster before and are really  nervous about it? If you don't want to do it tell her that too, if she's a good friend, she'll understand.

  18. Well if you're friend is truly your "best" friend, she will understand if you are honest and say that you're simply not ready. I always say that a person should never be *forced* onto a roller coaster... typically if someone is forced onto a coaster before they're ready, they're not able to relax and enjoy the ride itself- then typically don't want to ride again.

    You *should* give roller coasters a try. You will never know whether you'll like them or not until you do. However, you shouldn't do it until YOU are ready.

    When you *are* ready, start with a small coaster... don't even be afraid to start with a kiddie coaster just to get a 'feel' for them. Move up to a 'family' sized coaster- something steel would be my suggestion because they're smoother- and something with no loops or other inversion elements (those that turn you upside down). Then, work your way 'up'.

    Whatever park you go to, visit beforehand and type the park name into the search engine. You'll find a list of coasters at that park, and can see photos, get specs, and find out what manufacturer built each ride. I mention this because I would also suggest waiting a while to ride coasters manufactured by Vekoma, just until you're more comfortable with coasters in general... Vekomas tend to be just a tad rough.

    Roller coasters *are* a blast...  my 7-yr old grandson rides them, and has for 2 years... his coaster count is currently ~20. My younger grandsons rode their first coaster last summer when they were ages 3 and 2 (Rollschuhcoaster at Six Flags Fiesta Texas)... and loved it.

    So tell your friend that although you would love to ride with her, that you just aren't quite ready. And like someone else suggested, wait in the lines with her, walk across to the exit while she rides, then head to the next coaster. Once you see them run up-close, perhaps you'll change your mind and give one a whirl. If you do, you just might be glad you did.  :-)

  19. It's okay, I understand what you mean. I'm a roller coaster junkie and sometimes I ask my friends or my parents to come on with me and if they say no then of course I go, "WHYY NOT?!" but I'm only kidding with them, no body has to do anything they don't want to do.

    Tell your friend you just don't want to do and if she asks why, say you have a very weak stomach and that you'll probably throw up all over her if she makes you. You could wait with her in the queue and then just let her get on it and meet her at the end. That way she'll still feel comfortable going without you because she probably wouldn't want to go if she was going to leave you alone, but if you hang with her in the queue, she'll be happier with it. Plus, she'll be able to go herself!

    Buuut, why don't you try it? They're ridiculously good fun and you may like it! If not then you never have to go on again but its always worth trying something first just as a taster.

  20. just go 4 it!

    you may just luv it


  21. omg!

    i loveeee rollercoasters!

    you should totally do it. you only get one shot to live.

    so you should experience everything you possibly can. =)

  22. just do it. the hardest part is getting on, after that its too late to get off and its over before you know it. you have to face your fears. good luck.

  23. "no

    you ride it

    I don't want to"

    or suck it up and try it for once

    it isn't gonna kill ya

    take a new experience and who would be best to try it with for the first time than your best friend
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