
Rollercoaster fear and sickness?

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Tel me how to cure it?! I get sick very easily on rollercoasters (throwing up on a childrens ride), and I get really scared because I get sick. I know I'm missing out a lot, so please help me cure it?!!




  1. Try taking dramamine. I get motion sickness even riding in the car sometimes.

    If I know I'm going on a long ride, or on a boat, or on a rollercoaster I take dramamine and it helps.

    I would start out with a rollercoaster that doesnt flip you upsidedown and see how well you do on that one first.

    I think peppermint is also supposed to help ease an upset stomach.

    Like I said, start out small and see how well you do. Part of your feeling sick could be because you are worried about getting sick so it makes you feel sicker. Does that make sense?

    Good Luck!!

  2. just believe in your self and ride that roller coaster

  3. Try a big coaster.  I get sick on all the carnival rides but the big coasters at magic mountain don't make me sick at all.

  4. Sea-Bands.

    They are motion sickness wristbands, put them on at least 10 minutes before you get on a ride that involves a lot of motion and you will not get sick at all.  They are made for Sea sickness, car sickness even morning sickness.  Try them out.  You can pick them up at any local CVS or Rite-Aid.

  5. You ARE missing out

    lets go through these possibilities

    Acrophobia, fear of height

    Algophobia, fear of pain (rougher rides you might expect)

    Aviophobia,  fear of flight (certain ride types and G-forces)

    Emetophobia, fear of vomiting

    Gephyrophobia, Fear of bridges (up on the supports, bridgelike)

    Ligyrophobia, Fear of loud noise

    one important one not included I think is called:

    Tachophobia, Fear of SPEED

    all of these can someway (some are rarer than others) affect your like/dislike of coasters.

    I would get specialist help, they really are good at beating fear, although to be honest, get somebody to bet $50/£50 on you not being able to go on a ride and prove them wrong =)

  6. Dont go to this trip, or if you do dont go on any rides...go in the pool instead!

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