
Rolling a .....?

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joint....... u how u use rolling paper well someone told me that u can get it from a gas station or something ... how old do u have to be to buy it???

also can u use something else beside rolling paper?

just wondering .. i dont smoke or anything im just wanted to know thanks




  1. int he US you have to be 18. and swishers are perfect for blunts, just take the c**p inside of it out.

  2. if you are not going to use it ..hahahaha...just pop down to your local police station and give them all the details..i am sure they will be only to happy to help you...good luck

  3. normally you need to be 18.

    but some places might not card since it doesn't have any tobacco in it.

  4. use the wrapper from a maxi pad it's also sanitary...LOL!!! for real be sure it has no adhesive on it most don't

  5. It's weird, in the United States you legally have to be 18 years old or older to purchase rolling papers. It's funny, since all rolling papers really are is just that, a small piece of paper that may or may not have gummed edges.

    Yes, you can buy them from just about any gas station.

    Theroretically, you CAN use any other type of paper to roll a joint. The only free papers you'll find around your house you can roll with would be Bible paper or receipt paper (without the ink).
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