
Rolling from tummy to back?

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My 6 month old son is only rolling from back to tummy ( ALL the time..) - But, he cannot roll from tummy to back yet so he gets frustrated and screams until I roll him back....then seconds later, we start all over again. Is this normal? When will be be able to roll the other way? - I spend a lot of my day flipping him over..hahaha




  1. LOL.... this was my daughter up until about 2 weeks ago... she is 6 months and 2 days... she would roll then yell at me (not cry, she literally screams ha ha). Her ability to move herself around has come along in leaps and bounds in the last 2 weeks, she now rolls both ways, rotates to get toys when she's on her belly and if I leave her alone for a couple of minutes she'll be in a completely different place to where I left her (not from crawling just from rolling this way and that... she doesn't really know what she's doing so she doesn't use it to get places).

    Anyways, it probably won't be long and as I discovered with my daughter, she had the ability to roll back but just hadn't worked it out yet... he has to "fluke" it then he'll realise that he can. When you go to him to roll him over, don't just flip him. Slowly turn him by pushing him over by his shoulder and let him do a bit of the work. THis will help him realise that he can do it.

    Have fun :)

  2. My son will be 5 months, and he rolls from back to tummy EVERY SINGLE TIME I LAY HIM DOWN LOL and last night he rolled all the way, back to his back, but since then he hasnt done it again...I think it may have been a fluke LOL I dont think he meant to do it..sorry i couldnt help too much lol

  3. its normal, it is much harder to go from tummy to back, try it and pretend your a baby...he will get it down soon just let him try every time and try not to help. (unless he is screaming)

  4. my girls did the same thing and now they are almost 7 months and can roll both ways now.  Just keep working on it and let him get fussy for a little before you roll him back over....  

  5. Very normal. My son finally learned how to roll from stomach to back about a week ago. He'll be 7 months in a few days. We just kept sitting him back up. He can sit up, but would lunge for something and wind up on his back and get mad. LOL  

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