
Roma OR AC Milan.....?

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out of these 2 which has the better chance of winning the Serie A?

FQ - Del Piero OR Kaka?




  1. Roma, at least they don't fix matches!

    FA: Kaka by miles, even though Del Piero is still pretty good

  2. Roma

    but because del piero vs kakà and not totti vs kakà?

  3. Milan & kakà

  4. I think Roma has the better team now (AC individually better)

    FA- Now I'd take Kaka, if I could choose Del Piero in his prime I'd want him, he didn't have the injury problems that Kaka has and will continue to have. Plus he was the driving force behind Juventus being a mainstay in the top 4.

  5. mlian and kaka

  6. Roma have a stronger squad, but Milan do not have the Champions League to distract them. Nevertheless, I predict Roma to do better than Milan in the Serie A, although the winner will be between Inter and Juventus.

    Del Piero is King.

  7. kaka is beast.  ac milan has been looking weak lately so im gonna say roma.

  8. Roma


  9. Milan... roma doesn't have a lot of really good players

    KAKA!! he is the best,

  10. i am italian and i am a super fan of as roma but my preferite footballplayer is ricardo izecson dos santos leite (kakà) howewere alessandro del piero doesn't play in asroma.he play in juve. the captain of asroma is francesco totti.kiss

  11. Ac Milan .. because when we get back all of our players we gonna to dominate the Serie A  ..

    inter and juve and roma well be busy with CL .. epically roma and the final well br at their own stadium ..


    kaka by miles .. he is younger faster and more skillful than del piero .. but the king is better at scoring and free kicks ..    

  12. I think roma, but i hope my fave team...juventus....

    del piero is god, kaka is nothing in front of him....

  13. MILan they are a more skilled team an when they get all of their players working on the same page they wont lose.

    Roma a strong team will finish in the top 3

    an Kaka he is the overall better player fast skill full smart young an he dose more for his team then Del Piero does for his

  14. roma

    FQ- both but if i had to choose kaka!

  15. Roma

    FA: Kaka

  16. Milan did better transfers this season and seems like a stronger team, nevertheless this season's starting match was better for roma.

    kaka is better, del piero is too old and kaka is in his best years

  17. Roma.

    FQ -- Kaka.  

  18. i say they're evenly matched........Del Piero
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