
Roman coin?

by  |  earlier

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i just found a roman coin i think. it looks really old but its hard to see anything because its so worn down. there is a profile of a head facing the right side and around it a bunch of writing including "caesar" and after that what looks like "avggerpmtr" or something. and the letters "WRL" on the heads collar.

on the other side it looks like a roman soldier either sitting or on one knee with his sword in his right hand and holding it in the air. the letters s and c are on the left and right sides of him respectivly.

the word "roma" is on the bottom .

"WRL" is also on the top of the coin but it looks like it was stamped there and it isnt part of the origional coin.

so what is it?




  1. I am not really sure for there was no W used on Roman coins. Roma is the goddess of Rome and usually faces left but can hold a sword from time to time. The SC means by order of the Senate they had authority over bronze or copper coins. The word Caesar is used on most of the Roman coins for it became a title not a name. The side with the bust tells who it is. The letters you picked up must be wrong for it is not Latin. Take a very soft tooth brush and see if you can get some of the dirt off so you can see the legends (words). If they are just dull rub a little olive oil on the words, it may help to read them. I need more info to help you. If there is a coin club near you maybe one of it's members collects ancients and can help.

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