
Romantic Lunch Date?

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To make a long story short, I missed some of girlfriends signals and now she feels like I'm loosing interest in her, which couldn't be farther from the truth. I wanted to do something to show her that I love and care for her. I was thinking of making some of her favorites and bringing them to tomorrow (ugh, suck that she works on Saturday) for lunch. If it's nice maybe I'll set up a picnic or something. Is their anything else I could do? I hate the feeling that I hurt her and I just want to make it up to her.




  1. my opinion dont go to movies or any kind of food date.

    Cuz movies u wont be able to talk to her.

    and lunch/dinner date = faces filled with food

    unless u guys enjoy talking to each other with food in your mouth....hope not lol

    If your missing her signals your going to have to make it up by getting to know her better that you already do.

    try going to like a carnival, fair, or like a theme park/amusement park.

    this way u guys can talk and you can make up for what you missed.

    (scary rides = clingy girls)  just a heads up =D

    Good Luck

  2. aww, i think thats the sweetest thing eve. no guy has ever planned a picnic for me, she would love that

  3. That is soo sweet

  4. Buy her a heart pendant necklace. Girls loves trinkets. Then hide the box in her sandwich. She'd be thrilled. But do hv a serious talk with her. If you are not the kind of guy that professes his love every minute, tell her and assure her that you may not seem to her to be a romantic, but your love for her is endless.
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