
Romantic ideas anyone?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend of 6 months is leaving for Los Angeles for a month, which means I won't see him for that period of time. Tonight is our last night together, and I wanted to do something special that he will remember. Not a dinner,or movie. I want to do something that will show him how i really feel. All I have thought of is going to a huge park in the area, bake him his favorite cookies, and suprise him by bringing him to this place. I really need suggestions to make this night memorable!!





  1. ASK HIM TO MARRY YOU!!! lol  

  2. Show him that you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose and he will come back from his trip early....I promise you.

  3. Plan a really romantic candle lit dinner! add all his favorite foods and make great dessert. .... after then who knows......

  4. show him by  makimg him a romanic dinner   then you can take  him out to his  favorit place where he likes too hang out or you can go to the beach  or you  can go  on a picknic and then you can go  for a walk and you can   do somethings like  go daneing and you can go to  the fair  maybe you can go somewhere like to a festiable are you can  go to a proturt club are juzz clube and  spin the whole day togather and you can pamper him and you can have a little quiet time are you can cater to him all day long

  5. Candle lite picnic in the park as the sun sets.
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