
Romantic marriage proposals?

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My mum and I have a disagreement: I think that people do propose romantically (ie. down on one knee, flowers, candles, etc.) She says that people don't really get down on one knee - that's only in films! Can you tell me if you were proposed to romantically, or whether it was just a 'oh well, maybe we should make this official' sort of thing. I think I'm right, and need to convoince my mum romance does actually exist!!




  1. My husband proposed very romantically.  On my birthday he took me out to dinner downtown Chicago (where we live), then we walked along the lake out on a pier to the planetarium and then, with the whole city skyline in the background, he got down on one knee, professed his love, opened a box and asked me to marry him.  And I pretty much attacked him with kisses.

    (We're strong Christians, so there's nothing doing if it's not "official", so I guess that helped in the romance department.)

  2. You are correct. Thats not only in movies. My fiance(at the time my bf) asked me to marry him and he got on one knee.

  3. They do! Mine did... it was so romatic!  We were on vacation in Cancun ... we were at an outdoor lounge type area looking out at the jungle under the bright moon and feeling the warm tropical breeze, after talking for a minute he turned me around to look at him then backed up and got down on one knee and proposed!  It was perfect and I will never forget it!

  4. We had to a nice candlelit dinner at a restaurant I've been wanting to go to for many years as "part of my Christmas present."  They sat us at the back of the room next to a fireplace - they thought he was proposing there so they didn't seat people around us the whole dinner. Afterwards, he had a horse-drawn carriage ride waiting ... we rode around looking at the Christmas lights in the area. The carriage stopped and the lady asked us to get out and go look at a cottage's courtyard, she said "it's part of the tour." You can see where this is going....he proposed to me there in the courtyard on one knee and ring in the box and all.

    So tell your mom she's wrong. :)

  5. I did that....but did'nt worked out may be she was not yet ready for the commitment lol.

  6. Two of my teachers got married- and they told us the story. He got down on one knee, though.

  7. Sure it exists!

    I proposed to my SO.

    I took him to a fancy hotel for the weekend - under the guise ofwe needed some relaxation. I had arranged for breakfast to be delivered with a long stemmed red rose (as it was our anniversary). He loved it and then I handed him a love letter written (by hand) on handmade paper.

    He was in tears by the time he was halfway through and it finished with 'will you marry me'

    The answer through the tears, was yes

  8. My proposal was this:

    Him: Well, should we get married?

    Me: I dunno, do you want to get married?

    Him: Yeah, I guess I am down if you are down

    Me: Sweet! I'm down! Lets go get a ring!

    Side story~ we had been together for over five years and were getting ready to move in together. His parents weren't too pleased that we were going to do that without getting married first. So, the conversation above was us leaving his parent's house. We picked out the ring together and picked it up on our "dating" anniversary. We spent the whole day together painting pottery, hanging out and seeing a movie. It was a blast. His parents weren't too thrilled that there was no getting down on one knee and proposing so they made me give him back the ring so he could do it and then they all became obnoxious with their cameras. We are a low key chill couple and that is what we were trying to avoid, but it made them happy so whatever.

  9. I would call that more of the "standard" or "expected" way....

    Romantic is in the "eye of" whatever....

    My hubby did not get down on one knee, the where no flowers, candles or dinner.... no fancy suit/dress...

    But it WAS romantic.... to me, at least, and that's all that matters....

    I'll share it anyways.....

    We had been talking about getting married for a week....

    One day, while I was at work I got a text message that said "White or Yellow gold?"....Hum....  what could that possibly mean, right? *sarcasm*

    I answered back "White"

    A few days go by, and nothing....

    One night, we are relaxing, talking, and he tells me "I know this is not much of a surprise, but I hope you like it..."

    It was a humongous solitaire set in.... wait for it..... YELLOW gold!

    Before I could even react to anything, he said....

    " I know you preffered white gold, but I got this one because when I saw it it reminded me of you: simple, elegant and beautiful. None of the others compared to this one, and you deserve the best"

    That simple statement made me fall in love with the ring (AND him all over again!)

    How's that for romantic!

  10. Despite common ideas, romance still DOES exist! My fiance proposed to me at Disney World; he took me to a romantic dinner and made me get up and dance with him in front of about three hundered people (I can't dance so that was interesting! lol) and then at the end of the song he got down on one knee and proposed to me. So yes, people do propose that way. ^_^

  11. Confused lol!  Sorry you gave me a good giggle.  My ex did get down on one knee and proposed to me while I was hanging upside down on the monkey bars at the park.  He couldn't get me to come down so he said fine I will do it your way!  So yes he got down on one knee and I fell off the monkey bars in shock lol.

  12. My proposal was SO romantic! My husband took me to Mcdonalds and bought me a big mac. i bit into it and i felt sumthing hard.I pulled it out of my mouth and to my suprise i saw a wedding ring! My husband took it out of my hand ketchup, mustard, isalnd dressing- everything was on it! He got down on 1 knee. and asked the magical question. I said yes and he bought me a mcflurry! It was PERFECT!

  13. What's your mom talking about?  Guys get down on one knee to propose all the time!  My fiance did that when he asked me to marry him, and I've seen many other guys do it as well.  

    I was proposed to quite romantically- he asked me to dance to "our" song during our New Year's Eve party, and when he twirled me around, he got down on his knee.  By the time I turned back to face him, there he was, kneeling, with a ring in his hand.  He timed it so I'd say "yes" right at the stroke of midnight!

  14. My fiance proposed to me in the most romantic way.  We went down to Sydney for the weekend on a false pretence being it was his neices birthday.  

    We left really early the house really early and here i am thinking were going off shopping for the day.  Anyway we pulled up outside the Sydney Harbour Bridge to do the climb.  Up on the very top of bridge there he was down on one knee and said the same words when he told me he first told me he how much he loved me.  Then had planned a surprise engagement party, and i walked out of the room and another surprise being that my family had come down for it, without me knowing.  I couldn't ask for a better proposal

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