
Romantic spanish lines?

by  |  earlier

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im trying to score some points with my ex-gf/ bestfriend who is fluent in spanish (shes studied spanish so shes knows the language), i want it to sound "cheezy" so as to make it sound humorous and cute

pls post some here, I may not win her back but atleast i can make her smile. :)




  1. Tengo juevos muy grandes.  Me gustaria tener un giggity.

  2. The only neat answer you have had so far is the one from Smiley, and it's good advice, but not really an answer to your question...

    Here are a few phrases that might fit...

    "Eres la luz de mi vida"

    (You are the light of my life)

    "Eres Mi mejor amiga y seras siempre mi mayor amor"

    (you are my best friend and you will always be my greatest love)

    "Vuelve a mi lado, corazon mío"

    (come back to my side, my dear heart)

    "Amor mío, no me abandones a mi triste suerte!"

    (My love, don't abandon me to my sad sort) (this one is really cheesy!!)

    I wish you BUENA SUERTE!!!

  3. deseo aspirar su lengüeta~i want to suck your tongue

  4. One of my favorites (only slightly cheesy, but very cute) is from the Julieta Venegas song "Limón y sal":

    Yo te quiero con limón y sal. -- I love you with lemon and salt (literal translation).  It means something along the lines of "I love you however you are/I love you through thick and thin."

    That would score points with me :)

  5. try: Me gustan tus tetas

  6. Try this:

    ¡El peto es el peto del fuego! ¡Ah, caliente! ¡Beba mi mecos!   Quiero ardillas y queso!

    She'll throw herself at you, guaranteed!

  7. how about... su esencia me hace caliente

    "your essence makes me hot" lol

    makes me laugh

  8. hi

  9. me lamo cezar chavez.... or giggity giggity giggity goo

  10. for impressing girls,you don't need to learn any thing. just have some individuality and do something like a hero.....even your enemy girl who hates you somuch will start loving you.....

    just give a gift to your girl friend saing that she is something special to you and you miss her so much if she is not with you.

    learn to act man..........

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