
Romantic things-to-do suggestion in SYDNEY for my BF's BDay...?

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Please help..! Not a necessarily very expensive idea but that which is cute, romantic, significant...will do. Something that's a bit fancy too.. wouldn't hurt. Thanks ;-)




  1. Go out to a fancy restaurant, some place where you have to dress up... maybe take a boat ride or something like that after... and finish the evening with something every BF loves on his birthday... I suggest ton's of candles and rose petals sprinkled on the bed.

    Good luck!

    Also... you can always just ask him what he wants, and then do your best to fulfill his every wish to the best of your ability.

  2. Walk over the bridge from George st and when you get over the other side go to the park at the base of the pylon and have a champagne picnic over looking the harbour and the lights of Sydney.

  3. theres this gondola ( you know them little italian boats ) tour package in sydney. You hire the gondola, and then you meet at cockle bay wharf, where they pick you and your partner up, and take you on a little private tour around the harbour, catring is provided as well. heres the site, if not go to :, check that site out it has heaps of things you can do in sydney.. goodluck :)

  4. Drinks at the Opera Bar, very romantic, esp if mid week when not full of the after work crowd, then a stroll around the harbour to Cafe Sydney in Customs House - amazing food and views.

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