
Romany gypsies in ENGLAND in the late 1700s, where did they come from?

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Ive heard the Indian theory, I dont discount it....but is there really any proof all Romany people come from there? (Without DNA evidence). My husband can trace his Romany roots back to 1750, all Romany in England. Could it not be possible they were FROM England to start with?




  1. ROmany???? do you mean Romanian??? or Romans??

    Usually Gypsies come from India...

  2. Romany I am assuming

  3. They originated in India. This has been proved both by DNA and linguistics.

  4. Rom means man or husband in Romani, which is the language that the Roma People speak. (Roma means people as in 'us', people as in them [non-roma] are: gachos, payos, lacros, gadjardos, etc")

    Romani is the language, even though some people call The Roma People, Romani.

    Romani are nothing if not "creative". In order to travel freely around the world, they 'created' letters stating that they were of royal decent from the Egyptian Royalty. This was not so, they just took advantage of their dark skin color. This is how they got their name Gypsy, Egyptian, Egiptano, Gitano, Sitano, and some other variations.

    It is unknown why they left India a thousand years ago, perhaps they were offered to be move up to the Warrior Cast if they fought in a war, the war was lost and they just never returned. Perhaps they just left a society that did not treat them well, or they were just looking for a better life. Why they left is left to speculation, what is known, due to linguistics and genetics is that they left from the north of India, probably Punjab.

    They traveled the world, still do actually, but The Roma have never liked keeping records of anything, to this day. They did not like write anything down, and, even in the year 2008, in some countries authorities are still having trouble getting Roma People to register their children, marriages, etc.

    The chances of tracing ancestry through documents are slim, but, it should not be hard to trace relatives. Roma are, in the most literal sense of the word, family, one big family. If your husband tracks people down and asks them, he should be able to find out where his lineage comes from, but it would be really hard to go back further than 200 years.

    I hope this helps.

    While we are at it, here is a short text I wrote when we opened out restaurant in Argentina, it is a Flamenco place, the only one owned by Calos, Gitanos Espanoles.

  5. Basically Romany Gypsies were migrants from ancient Egypt, through Rome, then Romania (for centuries).

    They were then disturbed from Romania and spread further, mixing with Aryans from the northern parts of India and modern Iraq.

    It is almost impossible they originated in England as the genetic trail isolates indigenous GB/UK islanders to parts of Wales, Scotland, Ireland and - the Basque country in Spain!

    There were a lot of people coming in, very few left.

  6. I believe they are of Viking decent.

  7. yeah dews

  8. Through looking at DNA and linguistic patterns I think that it is most likely that they are from India:

    "Linguistic Evidence- Until the mid to late eighteenth century, theories of the origin of the Roma were mostly speculative. Then in 1782, Johann Christian Christoph Rüdiger published his research that pointed out the relationship between the Romani language and Hindustani[45]. Subsequent work supported the hypothesis that Romani shared a common origin with the Indo-Aryan languages of Northern India,[46] with Romani grouping most closely with Sinhalese in a recent study[47].

    The majority of historians accepted this as evidence of an Indian origin for the Roma, but some maintained that the Roma acquired the language through contact with Indian merchants

    Genetic Evidence- Further evidence for the Indian origin of the Roma came in the late 1990s when it was discovered that Roma populations carried large frequencies of particular Y chromosomes (inherited paternally) and mitochondrial DNA (inherited maternally) that otherwise exist only in populations from South Asia.47.3% of Roma men carry Y chromosomes of haplogroup H-M82 which is otherwise rare outside of the Indian subcontinent[49]. Mitochondrial haplogroup M, most common in Indian subjects and rare outside Southern Asia, accounts for nearly 30% of Roma people[49]. A more detailed study of Polish Roma shows this to be of the M5 lineage, which is specific to India[50]. Moreover, a form of the inherited disorder congenital myasthenia is carried by around 4% of the Roma population. This form of the disorder, caused by the 1267delG mutation, is otherwise only known in subjects of Indian ancestry[49].

    This is considered unambiguous proof that all Roma are descended from a single founding population, originating from the Indian subcontinent around 40 generations ago, which subsequently split into the subgroups we see today.[49]"

    Also remember that the earliest people to live in England were Celtic Britons and then later the Anglo-Saxons from Scandinavia came as well as Danish Vikings and Normans from France. Gypsies migrated there later

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