
Rome, venice, florence and naples?

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In what order? I will be going to Italy with my mom in late Sept. We will be staying for maybe 10-12 days. In what order will be most practical to see the above places, how many days for each? How much money should I bring and what is the weather like???




  1. I spent three days in Venice, two in Florence and three in Rome (which included a side trip to Pompeii).  Didn't make it down to Naples.  Yeah, you gotta keep busy during those days, but I was able to stop and soak some in, and enjoy an unhurried gellato here and there.  Have fun!

    (I found Rick Steve's books helpful, but his maps were lacking.)

  2. Depends where you fly into. Rome is the main international airport so if you fly into there I would stay there for a bit, then get the train down to Naples, then back up to Florence then onto Venice.

    It would be ideal if you could start in Naples and work your way up. If you can fly into Naples then do Naples-Rome-Florence-Venice (or Vice-Versa) as geographically this makes the most sense.

    You will need a bit of money as Italy is not cheap. A hotel room, nothing flash and for a double will cost you about 100euro (1 or 2 star) check out train rates on the website so you can cacluate this in advance. Meals can be a piece of pizza for 1 euro to a beautiful meal for 80 euro plus.... You are going to main cities where you can find a variety of food.

    Weather wise September is normally good, still pleasant days and cool evenings.

  3. naples rome fllorence and venice

    1, 4, 4, 3 days. Be carefull in Naples... you could have some trouble. Calculate an average of 100 euros per day.

    September weather is gorgeous and mild

  4. Go first to rome then to Venice, down to Firenze and then down to Napoli. Then up to the airport at Rome again

  5. Fly into Venice, then onto Florence, Rome and Naples.  Buy an Italian rail pass. Or stay in rome and take a tour of Naples, Capri, Sorrento, and Pompeii (two day trip) out of Rome.

    two days each (Venizia, Firenze,) the last two for the two day tour to Napoli, Isola di Capri, Sorrento, e Pompeii. Two will be eaten up by travel.

    How much money? Plan on at least 300 $$$ a day (this includes hotel and food. It isn't cheap anymore with the Euro at above 1.50.

  6. 1.Venice- one,two day  2.florence-three,four(I go to florence with school and we stay total four days in this one in Pisa)   3. Rome- four  4.naples- one, two.. but four if you want see the Amalfitana cost and Pompei- four in total    !  The order depends from where is your airport in Italy.. if you arrive to Milan this ordes is ok,is this,.. but if you arrive in Rome the order is 4,3,2,1 or 3,4,2,1!!

    Italy is very,very,very expensive! I'm Italian..  (sorry for grammar)   ciao!

  7. I just returned from a tour of Europe. I spent quite a bit of time in Bella Italia. Italy is enchanting and captivating!

    In which order you travel will depend on your flight arrival city. My guess is your flying into Rome??? From Rome, Venice is NE, Naples and Florence are on the west coast, You probably just want to goggle a map of Italy, these beautiful cities will be clearly highlighted on any map.

    It easy to spend money in Italy. The food, the drink, etc. Venice was my favorite! However, Rome is vibrant ( alot of traffic), Florence is a Renaissance gem, and I did not get to Naples but the photos I have seen lend to the idea that Naples is magical and has a lot to offer! When you are in Italy/Europe you will find that products are priced comparably to what we have in the states. A Coke is $1.75ish in the states, a Coke is 1.75 Euro as well, see what I mean. So, in order to budget your money for 10-12 days think about how many dollars you would spend in a day here, that is how many Euros you will spend in Italy. Get a money belt, and have an emergency credit card on your person.

    The weather right now is perfect!

    Ideally at minimum one night and two days in each city would be great considering your limited time frame.

    Bon Voyage!

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