
Rome . Have you ever been to Rome ? So , your true impression ?

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Alot of people have visited Rome ; but their impressions were not positive . Tell the truth , please !




  1. I don't know if I should answer to this, since I'm not super partes being italian myself.

    However, I've been to Rome and I think it's one of the most beautiful cities we have in Italy. In rome u see, touch and breath art everywhere. The colosseo, pantheon, navona place, trevi fountain...everything is so beautiful and makes rome have a magical atmosphere. The food is great and the romans very friendly and passionate but being american u miss the beauty of their accent and dialect.

  2. I have lived in Rome, Italy for 2 years now.  I am a student here.  I was just a study abroad student at first and I loved it so much I decided to study here.  Rome is a fantasy...besides the crazy people that drive here, but besides that every thing is perfect!!  I would recomend to come see it....and what a site it is...buona sera....good luck!!

  3. Hi,, what about what i said was not truthful.... Its a big city,, lots to see and do,,, and the darn pickpockets and backpack,camera, phones snatchers are Very Good.... at their job......

    Food is great,, and you better get to the outside line to see the Systine Chapel,,, Early!!!!!! and wear comfortable shoes,, it takes 4 hours just to get to the chapel.....

    good luck

  4. it was awesome actually. i love the italian people, and the aweasome narrow roads. i just didnt really expect so much graffiti. their was graffiti everywhere but it was stilll awesome!

  5. Sorry to disappointed you, but I love Rome as the whole Italy. For me, Rome is a museum in an opened space. Don't forget that about 70% of European culture comes from Italy. And I'm honest, look at my nickname, so.....

  6. I did not like Rome the first few times I visited. Now I love it. Watch out for the gypsies who can take your wallet before you have an idea of what has happened (and they are children who attack in groups).  Watch out for taxis who can drive you around in circles if you do not know where you are going.  Buses are great for pickpockets. Go when the weather is nice as you'll want to walk around.  Don't wear expensive jewelry or be conspicuous.  Don't walk around in shorts.  Behave well,  address people in shops with "buon giorno" and you'll be received well.  The city is magnificent.  The food is wonderful,  just look for small trattorias with Italians dining.  Go to the ghetto for Jewish fried artichokes which are wonderful.

  7. So! Really want to know what I think? It is dirty, to many thieves, it does have beautiful buildings and interesting historic landmarks. I actually got sick cause it was so filthy. If your going I hope you have fun!

  8. was in Rome for six months love every minute of it...I was disappointing on leaving...did not have to see all the things a wanted to.  It has so much architecture and museums that is hard to do everything...people are nice, like the food!!

  9. i'm italian

    and ROMA is beautiful but there are other beautiful city like firenze venezia capri ........

    all italy have something beautiful

  10. I have vacationed in Rome, spent 3+ days and stayed at a very nice (but very small) hotel near Spanish Steps.

    Absolutely wonderful.

    People were generally friendly.  Most were helpful and tried to speak English; only a few gave me the rolling "tourist" eye.   Food and wine are exceptional.  Make sure you have lots of gelato.  To keep pickpockets off me even in crowded subways, I went during April when it was still cool enough to wear a trench coat.  I enjoy every minute in Rome (and Venice).

    I got taken one time at a "Hot Table" cafetaria, and here's what I learned.  Do NOT take any food in a cafetaria where the prices are not clearly marked.   Ended up paying over $40 USD for a couple of regular ham/cheese sandwiches and sodas.   Even so, I was too taken by the Vatican Museum to care (the Hot Table that got me was right outside of St.Peter's Square).

  11. I found the most suprising thing about Rome was the fact that all the 'sites' are close together. You can walk to them all.I loved it. I was travelling at the time  and on a shoestring but I found lovely little cafes off the tourist track and the Trevi Fountain was sooooooooo romantic. I would highly recommend this beautiful little city. Avoid the tourist rip-offs and you will have a truely great time. Make sure you go to the Vatican its mind-blowing. Check out Rome I would go back there any day. Have been to all Europes main cities this is my favourite. I think many people dont explore it enough, and with any hol, you only get out of it what you put into it!

  12. In all honesty....I adore Rome! I had a fantastic time there and can not wait to go back. It was little Italy in a big city. Every where you turned there is beauty and art...I had never been anywhere remotely similar to it. And the people were just fantastic! Very friendly...especially for being in a big city. Typically, people in bigger cities tend to be at more of a fast pace and "pushy" but it was not like that in Rome. Another thing, before I went people had me so paranoid about pick pockets. I had no trouble of that sort nor did anyone around me. The Italians I met were very friendly and helpful....I had a wonderful time in Rome and can't imagine anyone having allot of negative things to say about it...maybe 1 or 2 but not many! The only bad thing about Rome to me was the driving...I was almost hit 2 times! lol, but I didn't dwell on that, my mind was immediately distracted by the little Italian girl who gave me a rose petal :)

  13. Rome amazed me.  Besides all the fantastic sites it is just impressive to walk around and get lost in.  There is something interesting everywhere.  The city is also just so vibrant and exciting to be in.  I think one common complaint in Rome is the prices but I think if you want to eat in a piazza across from Vatican you are going to pay a lot.  If you walk down a couple small streets and watch where the locals go you can cut your price quite a bit.  The other common complaint I have heard is from girls who were harassed there.  I had a friend who got her boob grabbed on the bus.  I was with a boyfriend so it wasn't to bad but the locals sure did make a point of staring.  Freaked my BF out a little but otherwise they didn't bother me.  One other negative I have heard from other people is in regards to the pickpocketing.  I have never, anywhere been pick pocketed or mugged but I also don't dress and act like a tourist.  I try and blend and don't look like you have a lot of money.  Also watch people who are around you particularly if they are trying to sell you stuff or beg.  You just have to pay attention.

    I would tell anyone to go and see Rome.  The only thing is that I might advice women, particularly young ones not to go alone.

  14. its a very old town as you know with little modern looking placs but its boring aafter a few days you can see everything easily the shopping is bad cause they close the stores for many houts dduring the day ,they are so lazy

  15. A definite must - very interesting. The Italian people are awesome, although in Rome self not always that friendly - and a a lot of foreigners too, giving it a weird feel. But it's really ancient, and amazing to walk in places where Paul and Peter walked in biblical times, the colloseum, etc,etc

  16. I love Rome because of the ancient visual art and architecture. I love the good food and speaking Italian. The down side though I feel is the grafitti, the drivers, beggers and other tourists!

  17. i went, omg it was soooo beutifull i LOVED it


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