
Rome or Milan?

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Which one is better to fly to if I want to travel to Italy. More efficient? Help!




  1. Hi,I'm a italian boi and I advise Rimini in Emilia-Romagna,on Adriatic Sea near Bologna

  2. Rome.

  3. Rome!!!

  4. Sardinia

  5. They are saying that the Rome airport is going thru major dysfonctional problems.  Several articles appeared in the press.  Search old news.  Apparently they are literrally throwing away all the luggage that goes thru rome airport.

    But if you look for "efficent" maybe just stay out or Italy.

  6. Rome! no doubt

  7. Rome and Milan are nice city to visit.

  8. rome,of course

  9. having been in both and having Family in depends on where you are visiting in italy.. rome is larger but Malpensa airport is better for the North.

  10. rome!!

  11. I think it will depend on what area of Italy you are planning on visiting.  If you have a specific itinerary, that may make the decision for you.

  12. ciao io ti consiglio roma!!!

  13. Rome - you land (more or less) in the center of the country. I think it was the Milan airports where baggage gets pilfered the most.

    It basically depends where you are to visit.... if you8 are doing everything north of Rome: Turin and the pre-Alps, Bergamo, Verona, Vicenza, Bologna, Padua, Venice, Bolzano etcettera then Milan OR even Venice would be your best bet.

    Rome sets you up for trips to Naples & Salerno, Perugia, Siena, Assisi and some of the Adriatic coast.

    You see it all depends on your itinerary where to fly in to.

    If you want to see only Sicily then you can even fly direct to Palermo from several US cities too.

  14. Milan. i went through it with no problems at all .. .
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