
Rome or Paris, which is the most beautiful city?

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Rome or Paris, which is the most beautiful city?




  1. Rome.  At least the streets there are clean, people don't stink and pee in the streets.

    Paris is a revolting city.

  2. Both are great, but I prefer Paris.

  3. Rome, for the reasons above.  Plus, it's bigger and more to see - much more history.  Much more romantic.

  4. I don't think i can fully answer this question as i have only seen pictures of italy and been to Paris once...however, for years i heard people talk about Paris, it's culture, the city of romance etc and I thought..ok that sounds not into architecture of buildings etc...but when I was there i was wow-d over! I couldn't believe it, i found it such an amazingly beautiful city with a gorgeous lay out....I am going again next month, can't wait! x

  5. no comparison

    Rome for antics (forum etc), and barocco

    Paris for gothic, classic and modern architecture

    both have old  charming districts and restaurants...

  6. Rome, Paris is beautiful too but Rome gets the edge.

  7. both are beautiful..but i prefer paris more...

  8. Rome, Paris is awful.. its just filled with American tourists wearing their rucksacks the wrong way round.

  9. Paris hands down.  Even the buildings are beautiful and the streets are lined with trees.  No comparison. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.

  10. paris it seems

  11. Rome - more history, ancient ruins, easy to navigate, clean city, friendly people, gelatto, romantic, more free things to do and see.

  12. Paris because I'm french and I know this city but I think Rome is beautyful too ^^

  13. paris

  14. Rome definitely

  15. It has to be Rome. It is not perfect but it is beautiful, the atmosphere is fantastic and the weather is a lot better than Paris. But if you want sheer magic try Venice.

  16. Paris.  The transportation is better.  The eiffel tower actually has two restaurants and you can see from above just how beautiful the city is.  The Louvre is incomparable as is Musee D'orsay.  Rome is a beautiful city as well, but as far as italian cities I think Florence is the most beautiful, followed by Venice.

  17. rome.

  18. I like Rome better, mostly because more of it seems to be original.

    Individual items in Paris are nice, of course.

  19. i have never been to rome but i went to paris. i would say is was beautiful but then i wouldn't say it was revolting. it has style. sure rich and poor live next to each other and you have to watch you bag( from the pick pockets) but it has character that i have never seen in any other city. some of it is stunning but it is the old run down streets which makes it a remeberable city for me.

  20. ....difficult choice! both are beautiful cities!!....

  21. Rome, no question about it!

  22. Been to Rome twice (and going there April 4th) .... been to Paris at least 6 times and they are both beautiful

    but .....

    Rome is more relaxed, chilled out and of course the locals are much friendlier.

    Send me to Rome anyday!!

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