
Romeo And Juliet Eulogo Help :c?

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Okay i have an assignment due for school and its a eulogy on romeo and/or juliet and i'm stuck

I have no idea how to write it and thought someone could maybe find me one online or give me a few ideas?

Help would be appreciated :c




  1. you could include how they were "star cross'd" lovers and that it was their deaths that stopped the families from fueding.

    or you could use this site

  2. I'm sure you know that a eulogy is a short speech someone makes at a person's funeral. With that in mind, what do you think you would say at the funerals of R&J?  The obvious topics you would want to cover would be:

        - the senseless feud that lead to their deaths

       - the senseless tradition of arranged marriages

       - the dangers of mis-communication

       Imagine that you're talking to the people gathered for their funerals.  What would you say to them?  Refer to the fact that these two young people simply wanted to love each other but were the victims of a senseless feud that had no legitimate basis.  Because Juliet's mother had built an emotional wall between herself and her daughter, Juliet could not share her feelings with her mother and had to hide what she was doing.  The penalty for the hatred between the Capulets and the Montagues was the deaths of two young people who just wanted to share their love.    You fill in the blanks.


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