
Romeo and Juliet question (20 pts)

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Act I

2. What similar advice does Capulet give to Paris and Benvolio give to Romeo? What is the effect of the advice on Romeo?

3. Compare and contrast the personalities of Romeo and Juliet in Act I.

4. Explain the possible threats to their love that are already present in

5. Explain how Mercutio is a foil (a literary term) to Romeo.

Act II

6. Explain the role that darkness plays in helping Romeo and Juliet. (Consider that night is a symbol in the play but not in the usual way as hiding something frightening.)

Act V

7. Juliet is thirteen and Romeo is not much older. In what way is their love typical of adolescence, and in what way is it not?

Act V

6. For a final time, the Prince comes in at the end of a fight. What is the difference this time in what he says and what has been accomplished?


20 pts if you answer attempt to answer all or most of this questions. There will be one other Romeo and Juliet Question at;_ylt=Anl.beJx986hJYd7CoaPzXjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080804142832AARNpSu and if you answer both nicely, you will receive 20 pts (10 pts from this question and 10 pts from that question)




  1. 2. Capulet told Paris to meet his daughter Juliet. Benevolio told Romeo to get his mind off Rosaline and find a new woman. Romeo ended up meeting Juliet and falling in love with her.

    3. Romeo was depressed, while Juliet felt lonely and wanting to meet someone she truly likes.

    4. Romeo wasn't allowed at the Capulet feast because he was a montague, and he was risking his death to meet Juliet.

    5. Mercutio is the Prince's son and Romeo's best friend. He sort of tells Romeo not to get in trouble.

    6.  Ahh.. we did this in 9 th grade. darkness helps them by killing Paris and letting them finally be together

    7. Every teenager thinks that they are in love. They are too young to understand, so they believe anything is love.

    Hope I helped!!!

  2. Here are links to a couple of study guides about the play. They should help you. Also do a search here in the Yahoo Answers search window for Romeo and Juliet as hundreds of questions have been asked here about it, and those Q's and A's should also help you

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