
Romford: Bags/Sis 500 Final – Preview (Part 2)

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Romford: Bags/Sis 500 Final – Preview (Part 2) 
Having discussed in detail Chunkie Blue, Alrita Millie and Premarket Babe in the first part, we are going to delineate Ivys Star, Out Ang Gone and Selecta Mask in Part 2 of the preview of Bags/Sis 500 Final race which is scheduled to be held at Romford
racing track on January 2. The Grade A7 contest with £500 prize money is going to be a high-profile competition.
Below are the fine points of the remaining three hounds:
Ivys Star 
The trainee of M Wiley has won just two races since April, 2011. The black b***h’s last victory came three races ago. This long lean patch depicts that, Ivys Star, badly mislaid her momentum, and rendered incapable to thrive in the tough events. The
daughter of Horseshoe Ping, out of Demesne Ivy won her maiden race at least five months after making debut on September 8, 2009.
At the start of 2010, she was regarded as the favourite for six consecutive times, but she won just one event. She badly lost the last two races which she ran as a hot favourite. The b***h was whelped in May, 2008.
Ivys Star is not likely to grab any of the top three spots in tomorrow’s race. However, she may finish fourth.
Out Ang Gone
Out Ang Gone is also trained by M Wiley. The black dog has won just one race since the dawn of October, 2011. His ten consecutive defeats have badly dented his confidence to cope with the big challenges that the Bags’ final clash is likely to pose.
The son of Tyrur Ted, out of One Yard has just 9 victories to his credit in the long career which commenced on September 22, 2009.
Trotting through the dog’s career records, you will find success after a long list of failures. Thus, Out Ang Gone will hardly be able to unleash even a little fighting spirit in Thursday’s mega event. He will finish fifth or sixth. The dog was whelped
in September, 2007.
Selecta Mask
Whelped in June 2009, the young hound has also been off-coloured since last couple of months. The black b***h’s last victory came on November 8, 2011. The trainee of P Young started her career in April 2011, finishing second in her first two races.
Overall, she has won 8 races so far.
In the beginning of her career, the b***h posed to be enthusiastic, but turned to be a slacker later on. Currently, she is going through a severe lean patch. She hasn’t been sent as the favourite to win in a long time.
If we analyse Selecta Mask’s recent stats, she does not seem to be in a position to make any mark in tomorrow’s event. However, if she runs to her best, she can notch up third position.
On the basis of the entire discussion in two parts of this article, it is concluded that Alrita Millie and Premarket Babe will be fighting for first position in the race. Each of the two has equal chances to win, and they can be sent as the joint favourite.
By and large, the Bags/Sis 500 Final will be an awe-inspiring event.  
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely of the writer’s and do not reflect’s official editorial policy.



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