
Rommate Problems... plz help?

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I am staying with 5 gals in 1 bhk. We just moved in. The 5th one was unexpected. Anyways this is not abt 5th one. she is calm and quite. this is about rest of 3. These all 4 people are from same place and I cant understand thier language so generally we talks in english and that is also rarely. Let me give them name as girl1 girl2 girl3 and girl4.

Now the prob with girl1 is she generally doesnt talk with me. I feel sometimes she is ignoring me. But i just over look. girl1 and girl2 just came from india so I feel may b they are trying to adjust with environment.I dont knw what to do with her so I just overlook her.

Girl2 is managable. So nt much into tht.

And today morning i got real big prob with girl3. I am working so I told last nite only everyone that give me toilet at 7:10 and she told me tht i m nt gonna take bath in the morning. bt she was in the toilet till 7:10. I told her to come out. and she came out within 5 min. I went inside and saw the bathtub was full of water. some hair were also there. I asked her to clean it and she said she cant push water it seems. and then she started giving me advice that you shoul take your hair when you are finishing your bath. I said i didnt take headbath yet. and she is lik no i m just telling you. and then i just said yeah i knw and I used to do in my prev apt also. then I was just waiting for water to go from the bath tub and she again told me that go and brush your teeth because girl4 also wants to use the toilet... she is also working. I am like ok and went. and when girl4 came I guess she started telling her inceident in her own language. that i felt very bad. They just talk in their language so I cant udnerstand.

I know today it wasnt big problem but it really messed up my mood. I dont like arguments in the morning. So i decided i will take showert in the evening. But can u guys tell me how to behave in the room to avoid these all quarrels. Should i just stay quite and do my work. just tell them hi and bye.I m really nt sure and prob with me is i m thinking too much in small issues i guess.




  1. There is going to be an "adjustment period" when people first start living together and it sounds like this is what's happening.  The best thing to do is to all have a meeting so that everyone is aware of what each others schedules look like and what peoples needs are.  Once this information is exchanged, you ladies will be better able to work out a schedule so that everyone can get themselves to work/school on time and without conflicts.  Your idea of taking your showers at night sounds pretty good and it will make getting ready in the morning easier for you, maybe you should just make it your usual time to bathe.  It also sounds like there are too many people in one house for one bathroom.  Is there only one bathroom?  I also have two roommates and we have two bathrooms in our home and still sometimes there can be scheduling conflicts.  You may want to look for a home with fewer people or more bathrooms (or both would be great).  As for the social nature of your roommates, maybe your correct about them adjusting to a new environment but don't assume you will be friends.  Many friendships develop from roommate situations but it is not a requirement that people sharing living costs have to be best friends.  You do have a right to expect to be treated with respect and politeness, and you should extend the same to your roommates.  If these girls don't get more friendly over time, focus your energy on your friends outside of your house.  Communication is the key to a happy, comfortable living environment.  If these girls don't communicate and/or are rude and argumentative then just look for a new place to live and move when you can.   Good luck

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