
Romney, Huckebee, Giuliani and Palin, especially Palin, brought blood tonight. I am a very proud.... ?

by  |  earlier

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Republican. ARE YOU?




  1. yes!

  2. They certainly didn't bring substance.

  3. Yes and always have been.It will be a supreme triumph in November.

  4. they certainly didnt bring originality.  

  5. Yes I am.  I never was a fan of McCain, but when he picked Palin, well, let's just say I'm voting for him for sure now.  And I love Romney.  He should have been president.  All of the speeches were great.  I also liked Thompson's from yesterday.  It's been a good convention.

  6. I am a very very proud Republican tonight. But then i always have been.

  7. Have you noticed all the "questions" here are just biased comments?

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