
Ron Artest and Shane Battier

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With the latest addition of Ron Artest, how will this effect Shane Battier. Since they basically play the same kind of game. Will they trade him or will Shane be coming of the beach for the Rockets?




  1. I think Shane Battier will be a solid 6th man. He can fill in for both T-Mac and Artest, and that's good. He'll get a good 20 minutes, I believe. I really do think that Artest can play PF if he has to, because the PF position is the weakest spot of the Rockets.

  2. well i think that ron artest is going to be the same ron artest hes going to keep having trouble inside and outside the court and shane will play but hes going to be a sixth man

  3. A valid option is to play Artest as a PF and Battier as a SF.  Another is to have Battier come off the bench as a 6th man.  Either way would work though I see the first happening more than the second option.  Either way it's two defensive lockdown players, and Artest becomes more of an offensive asset.

  4. artest plays the 4, battier the 3, mcgrady the 2.. u know the rest.. scola off the bench

  5. ron is a one year rental if things dont work out they still have shane, so i dont see him getting traded.

  6. he will be a sixth man, or Ron will be, Ron said he will do anything to win even if it meant coming of the bench.

  7. since rick adelman is a more offensive coach, he focuses on offense more than defense and that means ron artest=offense, shane=defense. which leads to artest in the starting lineup and shane a six man

  8. shane will come off the bench, but i think that theyll run artest at pf sometimes because of his size and strength, and ahve battier at the 3.

    they might also go big and have artest at the 2 and shane at the 3, either way the defensive assignments will change depending on the opponents.  i believe they both will get plenty of minutes, theyll probably both be playing when tmac is out.

  9. I think there going to put Battier as a 2d string  

  10. no shane wont b coming OF THE BEACH he will b coming off the bench

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