
Ron Paul just called for a march on Washington DC?

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When do you think would be the most effective day to do it?




  1. On the day REAL ID will go into effect.  87 days from now!

    This is the largest, most stealthy power-grab of all time. It was structured by the Democrats, then rammed through by the Republicans.

    Soon, we'll be taxed 1/4 of 1% by the United Nations.

    Sound familiar, folks? That was the same begining tax on WEALTHY ONLY folks in 1913.

    If Americans let this mouse in the house, good riddance to all remaining freedoms.


  2. Who cares?

    Ron Paul is an idiot who needs to take some economics, history and geography classes.

  3. July 4th Independence would be the best day to do it, so we can show our independence from the government.


    Rather vein of him isn't it?

    The best day would be a couple of day after the main election cause his 4% isn't getting him anywhere.

  5. The most effective way would probably be to catch a shuttle flight into Reagan Airport, and catch a bus across the Route 1 Bridge.  There's a big open area where folks could assemble near the Washington Monument, and from there it would be a reasonably short distance to march to where we can find someone in authority to ignore us.

  6. when do you think would be the most effective day to do it?

  7. I'm sure 7-10 people will show up

  8. its going to have to be on a 3 day weekend and its go to be before the tourist get out for summer(preferably)

    I am going to ask a friend to split a trip to D.C.

    Road Trip YEAH!!!!

  9. To m1a1mikegolf (the first response): I love when people name call. Either you have never taken a economics, history and geography class or you so ill informed it is sad. Everything that man says is right on. He follows the Constitution and so should you.

    Just because the government has been doing unconstitutional acts does not mean its acceptable.

    The 16 amendment  was never ratified. It is a direct tax, which is unconstitutional. There is nothing idiotic about that FACT!

    Your income tax goes directly to pay the interest on our own money, thanks to the Federal Reserve. Your income is not doing any help to the American people. It helps a few bankers get rich, and I'm sure they love people like you.

    The IRS is not a government agency, its private! FACT

    The North American Union if for real. FACT

    It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ~ Henry Ford

  10. The march of AARP

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