...value constitutionally based representatives of & for the people. With the constitution & the individual bill of rights deemed out dated by most Americans, what is the logical replacement for our former republic?
As we are fast becoming a democracy instead of a constitutionally based republic, America seems to be looking for a landing spot right in the middle of a democracy.
BUT, there is also a SUBSTANTIAL percentage of Americans desiring socialism/communalism. My question is this...is it possible that the more extreme of BOTH ends, the communalists & the Libertarians will collide in a unwanted merger that will form a society more like China's "comutarianism" form of government?
It would be a bastardized form of a democracy with rights issued by the elite like it is becoming in America today & the goverened having a limited say on matters, plus some at least financial incentivies.
I'm just curious where others think America will land in the over all political arena as we move away from our former constitutional republic. What's your opinion about America's course of political direction?