
Ron Paul proved that the majority of Americans no longer ...?

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...value constitutionally based representatives of & for the people. With the constitution & the individual bill of rights deemed out dated by most Americans, what is the logical replacement for our former republic?

As we are fast becoming a democracy instead of a constitutionally based republic, America seems to be looking for a landing spot right in the middle of a democracy.

BUT, there is also a SUBSTANTIAL percentage of Americans desiring socialism/communalism. My question is it possible that the more extreme of BOTH ends, the communalists & the Libertarians will collide in a unwanted merger that will form a society more like China's "comutarianism" form of government?

It would be a bastardized form of a democracy with rights issued by the elite like it is becoming in America today & the goverened having a limited say on matters, plus some at least financial incentivies.

I'm just curious where others think America will land in the over all political arena as we move away from our former constitutional republic. What's your opinion about America's course of political direction?




  1. Seems to me the ones moving AWAY from  a constitutional republic are Bush, Cheney, and the rest of their cronies.  Who has been messing with our Constitution more than Bush, with the Patriot Act?  Who is a   constitutional lawyer and has taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago?  Senators Obama and Biden are not socialists, but when anyone defends the rights of middle-class Americans, as they do, they are considered un-American!  What is wrong with you conservatives?

  2. . Americans are not sick of the Constitution, most Americans dont even know what it is or intails thanks to the department of education and the liberal media. Both parties voted for this war and the patriot act. The commie dems could of ended this war anytime they wanted after 2006 because they control the money but they didn't, why because it benifits them just as much as it benifits the neo cons, Ron Paul didn't vote for either. Ron Paul wins practically every debate he's in he gets the most campaign donations from military. The controlled media  screwed him over because he represents an end to their bullshit. But Americans are too stupid and they believe only what they see in the media without doing their own research thats why you get guys like obama and mccain. heres a few things that these jokers voted for or advocate

    Both want the patriot act, this equals the total destruction of the 4th amendment you know the one that keeps you safe from illegal search and seizure.

    McCain=Ilegal Iraq war= unconstitutional

    Obama= national healthcare= unconstitutional

    Both want less 2nd amendment rights= unconstitutional

    Both are week on illegal immingration =Challenge to national soveriegnty

    Obama wants to invade pakistan and stay in iraq=unconstitutional and stupid

    McCain wants to attack iran= just plain stupid

    Both want to stay in the UN= challenge to national sovereignty

    Both have no plan to balance the budget.

    Both could care less about any of the failed social programs or other policys like the FED, FEMA, failed department of education, failed welfare program, failed war on drugs, failed illegal immigration policy, failed social security program, or the unconstitutional income tax.

    Lets face it we had our chance to fix this c**p with Ron Paul, but the idiots in this country didn't know a good thing when they had it now were screwed with another four years of the same unconstitutional c**p.

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